The Cabin Part 1

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Me and Raya ended up falling asleep leaning on each other on the drive up here. It did indeed take a while to drive up here. We both wake up as we hit a gravel and uneven road. I sit up and stretch a little, brushing the hair out of my face. I look at my window and gasp. It is so gorgeous here. Surrounded by trees and a beautiful lake. The cabin is small but beautiful. It's a full log looking cabin with a wrap around porch and so much room. Raya and Teresa laugh at my reaction.They of course are used to seeing this place.  As soon as the car is parked I hop out taking in the view. I smile looking at all of the trees and the open space. Why is everything this man and his family owns so stunning? I get knocked out of my thoughts by Raya.

“Hey, Miss distracted, Come get your things and we can show you around the inside” Raya says wiggling her eyebrows.

I laugh and nod running over to the car grabbing my suitcase out of the back and carrying it inside. As soon as we get inside I am in awe. It's an open concept layout. The kitchen was large, There was a hammock in the middle of the living room. Everything here is just perfect. They tell me to go pick a room and I pick a small but simple room. I set my things down on the bed and start sticking things into the dresser so that things are organized and in one place. Raya walks in and plops onto the bed taking a deep breath.

“I know you're going to miss Xander, But you get mom and sister time.” She smirks

“Are you guys going to interrogate me about my past” I ask uneasy

“Oh lord no, Xander already told us everything” She laughs

I cringe, why would he do such a thing.

“Do you guys think of me differently?” I ask.

“No, we think you are quite the badass. Not a lot of people survive what you have. It's going to make you one hell of a luna when the day comes.” She winks.

I smile “Thank you, that makes me feel just a tad better”

“Hurry up and unpack though, Mom Is making spaghetti” She squeals

I giggle and nod, hurrying up my pace.

I get done unpacking and go to the kitchen to see Teresa and Raya just talking.

I smile “Hello guys”

“Hi hun” Teresa says

“HIIIIII” Raya screams and jumps onto me

I lose my balance and we both fall onto the floor. We both giggle as Teresa just shakes her head smiling.

“Dinner is done if you two are done on the floor” She teases

We start laughing again even harder then get up off the floor and grab our plates and start digging in. My mind floats to Xander. I really hope everything will go okay for him for the next couple days.

Dinner consisted of small talk and talk about the coronation. I still have no idea when that is happening because everytime it gets mentioned I tend to float off to somewhere else with my thoughts. After we ate, Teresa went off to bed because she was very sleepy..

Me and Raya cleaned up the kitchen and put things away. Giggling and talking about nonsense. I feel at home. Is this how a family is supposed to be? Loving? Caring?

“Hey Raya” I say

“Whats up sissypoo” She says laughing

“Can we go look at the lake tomorrow as it's dark out right now and i know that's a bad idea” I ask

“Of course! We can even swim in it” She says

“Great! I'm excited. I might stay in the shallow end though, I never learned how to swim” I shrug

“That's fine with me, i can teach you if you would like” She nudges my shoulder with hers. “Go get some sleep, I have a fun girls day planned for tomorrow” She says excitedly

I laugh “Okay, You get some sleep too”

We say our goodnights and head off to our rooms. I lay down on the bed and worry for Xander. I hope he's okay. I hope there's not just a full out brawl between alpha’s. I know Xander is more than capable of handling himself. I just worry about him. I sigh and try to shut off my mind and the thoughts I am having.  I slowly drift off to a deep slumber.

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