Lunch Problems

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Sophia's POV

Once we reached the house, Xander got mindlinked about a situation so he had to leave me to go to his office to handle things. Mindlinking is a thing packs can do in their heads. They can just talk back and forth in their heads. My wolf has never been strong enough to hear my old pack at all.

I was sitting in the kitchen with a glass of water where Xander left me when I heard a growl from behind me. I jump and stand up alerted by this growl. I turned to see a girl who appeared to be around my age standing in the doorway of the kitchen glaring at me. 

“Who are you and why are you in MY mates house” she sneers.

“Uh I-Im Alpha Xanders mate” I exclaim, panicking not knowing what to do in this situation.

She screams “That's my mate not yours'' She rushes towards me so I flinch waiting for the blow.

 “Just know he loves me, Not you so I suggest you leave at this instance before I beat the shit out of you. Also, You clearly haven't even had sex with him, I have.” She proudly admits 

I don't say anything and just give her a blank stare.

“Get out!” she screams. She slaps me pretty hard across the face.

I shiver remembering the threats my family used to make towards me. I let out a tear and pushed past her running out the door. I run straight into Raya and we both fall to the ground.

“Oh my goddess whats wrong” she says wiping my tears, worried

“Ther-there is some girl inside who claims to be X-Xanders mate and t-told me to leave and that she has had s-sex with him. She told me that he doesn't l-love me but he loves her. S-she also slapped me” I say in between sobs.

Why am I so upset over whether he loves me or not? I don't even know what love is or what it feels like.

“Fucking Brittney” She mutters rolling her eyes. “ She sleeps with everyone who has power, I can promise you that Xander loves you. He never shuts up about how gorgeous you are or how happy you make him.”

I blush slightly 

“Here let's go to my room hun and we shall talk all about brittney just so you can know. I cant believe Xander wouldn't tell you knowing this would become a possible  issue.” She sighs giving me a sad smile. I nod and follow her into her room. I sit on the edge of her bed as she plops down. 

“Okay, So Brittney is a whore, Almost everyone hates her. But most of the males who have yet to find their mate have sex with her as a way to release themselves because she's easy.. After a while she went after Xander and he gave in because he thought he was never going to find his mate.” She says slowly to me

 “But after the first time they fucked she got this weird obsession with him and started running around telling everyone she was going to be the Luna and that Xander was her mate. Which clearly isn't true. Shortly after that Xander stopped seeing her because it was a really unhealthy obsession of hers. So every female that went towards Xander she would cause bullshit with.” She finishes up what she's saying and I let out a tear.

“I dont think I'm supposed to be Xanders mate. He's so strong and put together and I'm weak and such a mess. I've had such a messed up life so far” I cry to her

“Oh sweetheart, You are so much stronger than you let yourself believe the moon goddess put you guys together for a reason. I'm going to let you in on a secret. Once you came along, Xander actually started being nice to people. He's always been a dick to everyone” She says pulling me into a hug

I hug her back and just sob into her arms. Is this what it's like to have a friend, or in this case, I would classify her as family. 

As I sob into her arms Damon comes into the room quietly shutting the door behind him. He gives us a sad look and sits on the edge of the bed next to us. 

“Lu- Sophia, what happened?” He says, concerned. So Raya explains so I don't have to start bawling again all over. Damon gets angry. 

“Who the fuck treats my luna like that!” He yells getting up and pacing. 

“She's everyone's luna. We need to stay calm and tell Xander so he can handle her. That's no way to treat our Luna” She says softly trying to calm him down. I shiver at the thought of them telling Xander. What if he gets mad at me and not Brittney.

“Is there anyway we dont tell Xander and just forget this even happened” I say softly

Both of them snap their heads towards me and say “No” at the same time. 

I jump at the sudden raised voices.

“Sophia, You're like a sister to me. I can't have people treating my family, Let alone Luna like that. So I'm sorry you don't get a say in the matter, Xander has to know.” She says sternly 

“Ditto” Says Damon

“O-okay” I mumble

“Alright we all will go tell Xander so we can get this over with.” Raya says, clapping her hands in a very matter of fact manner. Me and Damon nod. We all get up and walk towards Xanders office. I twiddled my thumbs the whole walk there. As we open the door we get a surprise that hurts me real bad. 

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