Back To Hell

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It's been 24 hours since I went with jacob. Here I am regretting my decisions. My wolf is constantly crying because she wants Xander and I am stuck in a cell surrounded by wolfsbane, which I know better than to touch. Go me with the smart ideas. I was just trying to protect everyone. I sigh and lay deeper into the cold concrete. You would think that since I came willingly they would treat me better. Ha, My thoughts are hilarious.

I drift off to sleep. Not very deep of a sleep but enough to count as sleep. I wake up to clanging on the cell door. I wake up and look at the person. It's Craig.

“Hello, whore daughter of mine” He gives me a sinister smirk. I just ignore him and roll my eyes.

“Since we are not in a talkative mood I would like to tell you that I am so glad you are finally home. We want to run some tests on your wolf. The first one is if you are immune to wolfsbane. Touch these bars for me. Or else I will make your life even more miserable, might even go after that little mate of yours..”

I nod and slowly reach my hand out. I touch the bars and nothing, no burning sensation or anything.

“Ginger, what the hell” I say in my head

She just giggles and goes back to whining about how she wants Shadow.

I sigh and take my hand off the bar.

He just looks at me with a blank stare.

“Now we are going to inject it in a very lethal dose just to, you know, see.” He smirks

“No you’re not, I am not your guinea pig that you can just test shit on.” I say standing my ground

He just chuckles and says he will be right back. He leaves the dungeon area. I smirk to myself and reach my hand out of the bars and open the door. I sigh in relief when it opens.

I run out of the dungeon and run upstairs trying to be sneaky. I peek around the door and take off out of it. I run through the house and out the door and b-line for the woods. My wolf begs to come out but I know it's going to hurt because we haven't shifted in a while so I hesitantly agree.

I shifted. I did it. We got shifted. It was super painful but I tried to keep quiet. Ginger stretches her limbs and takes off running. She told me that she is faster than most wolves and can make a faster getaway than my “Twiggy human legs' 'could. We ran and ran and we had to shift back because we are approaching a human town. I have no idea where we are. I find a payphone and some change and call Xander.

“Xander” I say softly and shakily

I hear a deep breath and suddenly I am being screamed at.


“I- I don't know. I am in a human town somewhere near Craig and jacobs pack” I say stuttering.

“WHAT” He roars

“Stay put! I am coming to get you, Find somewhere to hide for the time being” He says sternly. I agree and hang up the phone finding a dumpster to hide behind.

Some time has passed and I smell Jacob and Craig close. I stay hidden and cover myself with garbage to cover my scent. I hold my breath and they walk right past me. I let out a sigh and started to softly cry. What have I done? Xander is going to be so mad at me…

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