Xander Saves Me

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I sit here quietly as It starts to get dark out. Where Is Xander I thought. It's been a while since I smelled any wolf scents. I sigh and lean back against the wall. I slowly start to drift to sleep. I wake up to ginger yelling at me that we need to move and now. I quickly jump up and ginger gives me directions. I end up back in some woods and I continue running. Ginger yells stop and tells me to climb the tree and I do so. I sit up in this tree.

“Ginger, What's going on” I ask her

“There were some Vampires in town, nasty creatures really. Xander will still be able to find you over here, Whenever he gets here” She says then blocks herself off.

She's pretty mad at me for going willingly with Jacob and I can't say I blame her. I'm sure once I tell Xander he's going to blow a gasket. I am not prepared for that. I just hope he understands that I did it to protect him and everyone else. I make myself comfortable in this tree because I have no idea when Xander is going to show up.

It remains relatively quiet and I decide to talk to ginger.

“Are you going to be mad at me forever” I ask

“Yes” she huffs.

“I am sorry. I did it so I could protect everyone. I didn't want them to hurt any of them or a war to break out. They are all family and I can't stand to see them hurt '' i say.

“I get that but you're putting me and yourself in danger and you left mate. I'm not going to be surprised if you get marked by force by shadow now.” She huffs again, cutting off all communication to her.

I scan the area to make sure I don't see anyone. I see a large silhouette of a wolf in the distance and when I mean large I mean It is HUGE. I don't move or breathe. I watch it shift as it gets closer. I hear a very worried but angry voice.

“Sophia, Get the fuck out of the tree now” Xander says

I obey and get out of the tree. I am now standing face to face with Xander and his wolf has half control. He grabs me up and starts checking me over. Lifting my arms, checking my legs, checking every inch of me. I stand very still trying not to make a move that could potentially piss him off.

“We should get out of here there are vampires in the area” I say barely above a whisper. He just looks at me and nods, taking me to a car that is parked on the side of the road. I see Damon in the driver seat. He gives me a smile and a sigh of relief. We get in the car and Damon quickly takes off.

The ride is painfully quiet and I have come to the realization that Xander probably knows how everything went down. I twiddle my thumbs nervously. This is a really long silent car ride ahead.

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