Worried About Me

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Sophia's POV

After my mate leaves my room I sit there terrified. Why is he investigating the pack and only asking me about it? Does he know? How would he know? I hope he doesn't because then he wouldn't want to take me home with him. I just want out, I'm too scared to tell him anything and then get stuck here and be abused even further. I don't think I can love, I haven't been loved in so long I think i forgot how or what that feels like. My wolf has been completely silent the last couple days. I wonder where she went. I haven't been able to eat in the dining hall. I am not welcome there even now. My mind wanders back to My mate and how he's investigating. I'm scared what if my father comes and hits me because he thinks i told him something.

I cannot get to sleep, So i've decided to take a shower. I go into the bathroom and strip off my clothes. I stare in the mirror at myself. Tears start to brim my eyes, I look hideous, once again I notice the scars everywhere, the Faint bruises still that are taking forever to heal. I've been wearing nothing but long sleeves and pants this entire time Xander has been here. I sob uncontrollably, No one will love me, I don't even love me. I step into my extremely warm shower and sit down so the water is running over me. I just cry, releasing all emotions. I just want to feel better, I hate feeling like this constantly.. I miss being happy.. I'm so scared to be happy and accept what is.

I sigh as I step out of the shower, drying myself off. I put on my pajamas and sit on the end of my bed. I look over at the clock and it's only 4:00am. Most people are getting up right now to go to training. They start at 4 and end at around 10-10:30 am. I guess I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight. Breakfast is typically at 6am, that's when I get to go to the kitchen and snag my food because no one will be here, they will all be down at the dining hall. So I have two hours to do nothing but lay here looking at the ceiling, letting my thoughts wander.

My Father has mindlinked me several times reminding me of the rules. If he finds out that I let Xander in my room last night I am dead. Last night the look of genuine worry made me warm and fuzzy on the inside. I might eventually tell him. I just wont right now, Not while I am in this house or on these lands. I feel like I can trust Xander, that's a big thing for me because I haven't trusted anyone since I was little. I turn and look at the clock. It's now 6am. Time flies by when all you can do is think. I smile, I can go down and get food. My stomach begins growling, Wow I really am hungry.

I slowly walk down to the kitchen hoping not to run into anyone. I walk into the kitchen to find Becky, I hate her so much. She's extremely stuck up and loves people who are in power. I walk to the cabinet and grab out a bowl for some cereal. I hear Becky snicker. I turn to look at her.

"What are you snickering about" I ask her, wondering where this sudden bravery has come from.

"Excuse me, Don't talk to me. I am above you, You low life scummy bitch" She screeches.

"You're just a whore who sleeps around with anyone that has power" I state with a plain face as I go and grab the box of lucky charms.

She screams and runs over to me knocking the box out of my hand. She grabs me by back of my hair

"You stupid bitch, I should kill you right where you stand for talking to your future Luna like this" she spits, slapping me in the face with her other hand. I take a step back and smirk.

"You're not even mated to my brother, how can you be Luna if you're not my brother's mate" I sneer unfazed by her weak little slap. "Now let me go before Alpha Atlas finds you, You are not supposed to be touching me while Alpha Greenwood is here" I smirk.

She squeals "Just wait till he leaves, I'm going to tell Alpha Atlas about this and you'll be dead!" stomping off to probably go tell my brother about what happened. I honestly don't care, Xander said he's taking me with him and I believe him. I lean down and pick up the box of cereal cleaning the spilled cereal and turn to start pouring myself a bowl as I feel another presence in the kitchen. I stiffen not entirely knowing who it is. I hear a cough from behind me and turn around and to my surprise I find Beta Damon who is laughing.

"Hi" I say softly, still unsure about him.

"Hi Sophia, what you did to her was hilarious. She deserved it." He says, chuckling.

"Oh she had that coming" I walk over to the fridge to grab the milk and mumble "Fuck." We're out of milk!

"I can drive you to the store if you would like" Beta Damon says

"I can't leave the pack house" I say quickly, covering my mouth knowing I shouldn't have said anything.

"What do you mean you can't leave the pack house" He says with a hint of anger

"I-I didn't say that" I shiver hoping he won't hurt me.

"I'm getting Xander" He says sternly.

"NO!" I yell panicking and quickly flinch away waiting for him to hit me.

He gives me a sad look.

"Fine, But you better tell him. I'm going to go get you milk, Wait here" He says sternly

"Okay" I whisper, taking a seat by the island.

About 15 minutes later Beta Damon returns with milk. I nod and thank him for it. He just shakes his head and leaves the kitchen, probably going to tell Xander about what I said. I quickly eat my cereal knowing I've been in the kitchen way too long. I put my dish in the sink and ran to my room. I sat in the chair that I moved to the window. I spend my entire days watching what's happening outside my window, Or reading. I have nothing else to do. I take deep breaths.hopefully Beta Damon doesn't tell Xander... I'm going to go to Xanders room tonight to talk to him about what's going on here. I don't care about the repercussions of my actions.

I try to reach my wolf again but she's still missing... Where has she gone? I miss her. I feel so lonely without her smart remarks and talking me through things. I take a deep breath and grab my book. Losing track of time, I look at the clock and it's now dinner time. Shit, I missed lunch. I hear a knock at my door as I'm setting down my book. I stiffen not knowing who it is. Everyone is supposed to be at the dining hall for Dinner right now..


Uh oh! Who could be at her door? I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Please feel free to leave comments. From here on out its probably going to be Sophas POV and I might make a story of strictly Xanders Life and POV. Thank you for reading!

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