Under Attack

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Sophia's POV

As I sit here in Xanders office I begin to wonder if he was safe, If Raya was safe, or his mom. He locked me in this tiny ass office. I could've helped. Look, I know nothing about fighting but I could have tried. At least I think they are fighting something or someone all i hear is snarling barking and crashes so only one could assume. My brain always thinks the worst in these situations. Is someone here for me. Ah Sophia, Shut the fuck up. 

“Damn right shut the fuck up. Goddess stop always thinking the worst. Maybe it was just a pack tiff” I hear a voice say. It was Ginger. I smile. 

“You know I always have to be prepared for the worse.. We don't know if Greg is going to try and get us back.” I tell her. She growls in response. 

“No one will take us away from mate” She snarls, receding back into my mind. I sigh once again alone.. 

I sit in Xanders chair and wait for him. Snarls and crashing have subsided. The door swings open and Xander walks in, Covered in blood. I look him up and down and shiver. 

“Are you okay, Were you harmed” He runs over to me panicking, checking me over. 

“Oh I'm fine, Just a little scared.. What happened?  “ I ask. 

He takes a deep breath in. “Thank goddess you're okay” He grabs me out of the chair and into a hug. “Rouges, I Don't know why they thought they could win against the royal army but here we are” He sighs, letting me go and running his hand through his hair. “Sweetheart I have a question and I need you to be honest” He looks at me sternly. 

“U-uh yeah?” I look at him confused. 

“Did Greg make an alliance with the Rouges” He asks

“How am I supposed to know? He kept me locked up in a room. I was only allowed out to clean and when Alphas came. I didn't overhear anything either before you ask” I tell him slightly irritated that I have to even think about my time living there. 

He nods and motions for me to come with him..

“Still not a big talker I see” I hear my wolf, Ginger, I can feel her rolling her eyes. 

“Yeah, He still doesn't talk much” I cringe. I have trauma dumped on this man and I barely know anything about him!

He takes me to what seems like a meeting office. I see Damon who must be back from this trip early, I see the Delta who I barely know, And a few Alphas. I Stiffen. Xander notices and puts his hand on mine. I instantly calm down. Damon gives me a sad smile. Xander leads me to the top of the table and has me sit down while he stands in front of me. All the alphas start yelling at once. I flinch at the loudness. Xander Uses his Alpha voice and tells them to quiet down. 

“Look I know we all are very concerned right now but everyone needs to remain calm!” He exclaims. 

One Alpha, I recognize him to be Alpha Grant, He spoke up 

“What about the safety of our packs, If they were brave enough to try and take you down sir, What are we going to do” He yells

“Do Not raise your voice at me!” Xander Roars I flinch and walk out of the room. I have never seen him that mad and it was scary. I ran right outside the house and sat on the steps taking deep breaths.. 

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