Chapter 21

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After Adelia rants everything on Noah, they stay there for 2 more hours and they fall asleep in each other's embrace with blankets draped over their body.

The next morning, Lizzie and Scarlett wake up early to make breakfast for the kids here. Millie, Sadie, Jaeden and Finn also wake up at the same time and they couldn't find Adelia and Noah. This is actually a common occurrence for them because they know Adelia must've couldn't sleep and Noah found her.

They get ready for the day and go downstairs to see Lizzie and Scarlett preparing breakfast.

"Morning kids" Lizzie said greeting them morning and then frown when she couldn't find Adelia

"Where's Addie?" Lizzie asks worriedly and Scarlett looks around at the backyard pool under the little hanging out place

"Found them. Guess they weren't back to bed last night" Scarlett said, sighing making everyone look outside where Scarlett eyes gazing on.

Lizzie look at Scarlett suspiciously

"Her head is in overdrive. Noah comforts her. I accidentally hear everything" Scarlett whispers don't want the kids to hear them.

Lizzie just sighs sadly.

"I thought everything was going good yesterday" Lizzie said

"That's what she's scared about. Because everything was good yesterday. She's been waiting the bomb to dropped next" Scarlett replied

"Oh, poor girl" Lizzie said sadly

Then they hear the front door open and Dodger comes running towards them with Chris. He's been out taking Dodger for his morning walk.

"Hey, whatchu guys watching?" Chris asks and then look outside

"Is there something going on between the two of them?" Chris asks as his overprotective mode takes over his body.

The kids just snorted a laugh at Adelia's father's comment.

"What?" Chris said glaring at the kids

"You sounded a lot like Aaron" Jaeden replied

"There's nothing going on with them" Millie said

"Yet" Finn added quietly but the adults hear that

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scarlett asks curiously

"What? We didn't say anything" Jaeden said, defending their 2-best friends. They know that by now Adelia has overprotective parents hovering over her.

"I'm gonna go wake them up" Chris said walking away to the backyard

"Be nice" Lizzie warns

"I'm always nice to my daughter" Chris argues

"Him. Moron" Lizzie retorts and Chris just annoyingly rolls his eyes.

He goes outside and carefully wakes them both up. Adelia needed to be carried upstairs by her father because she was still tired.


They were now having breakfast together.

"So, you guys have plans for today?" Chris asks the kids

"We're planning to bore each other to death till we have to go back home and not see Addie for possibly the next 3 weeks?" Noah exclaimed

"Your plan is a boring shit" Adelia said quietly and glare at Noah

"Addie! No cussing" Lizzie said before Scarlett open her mouth

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