Chapter 31

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After being in 4 hours of the big event, it finally ended

The cast, everyone is finally arriving at the Hotel once again. It was apparently 8 pm

Dinner time.

So, they all decided to change into comfy outfits and meet at the hall that was assigned for them to have their meals.

The private chef is also there, preparing their dinner.

Lisa met with all of the cast once again and met with the new cast that she hasn't met with too. Like, Hailee and Florence.

Lisa was also caught up with the news about Addie calling Scarlett 'Mama' and Lisa was smiling, grinning from ear to ear to Scarlett. She was honestly relieved for that woman to have another chance and she was relieved that Adelia finally decided to push aside her ego and end the torture she was giving to her birth mother.

This is for everyone's good.

"So, how long are you gonna be here?" Adelia asks her Mommy as they all were seated in the dining hall, waiting for the dinner to be served.

"Until your Mama and Daddy's wedding" Lisa replied, smirking as she knows what's coming next as her daughter's expression

Adelia jaws dropped open and she immediately squealing in excitement

"So, are you gonna be with me or you have to go back to LA when I have to go to Japan for the next movie tour for this movie?" Addie asks sweetly

Her schedule, despite being rummage by Lizzie, Robbie, Scarlett and Chris, are still busy.

They're gonna have lots of interviews, photoshoots and not to mention movie press tours around the world. Adelia's gonna have to go to Japan with Hemsworth, Renner and Lizzie.

Jaeden, Millie, Finn and Sadie are not gonna come with her but they'll be pairing in every interview they get as an exchange.

"Yeah, I have to go back to LA though" Lisa said, scrunching her face apologetically knowing Addie's gonna be sad about it but the girl just shrugged it off

"It's fine. Papa, are you gonna come to Japan?"

"I have to go back to LA too. I have some work to get done at the studio"

Adelia then just nodded her head. So, she's gonna be with Lizzie then. Thank god, Mama Lizzie's gonna be there.

"I've got my own room right?"

"You want your own hotel room?" Lizzie asks amused

"Yeah well I know I'll still crawl in your bed at night but it's a nice thought isn't it to have my own hotel room?" Adelia said defensively

She's 16 for god sake! Everyone can't know that she's still sharing her room with her Mama

"Yes Baby, you'll have your own hotel room" Lizzie replied chuckling but deep inside she was a bit sad because Adelia's growing up. That's every parent's feelings actually.

All of Addie's parents are a bit sad because this young girl is growing up. They don't have much time with her anymore. The next thing they know, they'll have to have a family event to meet with her because of her workaholic issues.

"So, Mama and Daddy are out of this movie world tour except for interviews. Oooh, have you both decided where you will go for your honeymoon?" Adelia asks her birth parents

"Well, your Mama wants to go to Bora- Bora" Chris answered

"Good choice, Mama!" Adelia nodded her head at her Mama and Scarlett just winked at her daughter back.

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