Chapter 33

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It has been 2 weeks since Mama and Daddy's wedding

Scarlett and Chris went on their honeymoon in Bora- bora for a week and came back last week.

After their wedding that night, Addie's condition somehow got worse. Her walls slowly crumbled immediately after she was at home with Lisa. All of the acts she put up, all fall apart when she's at home.

Lisa insisted on Addie coming back home with her and not with Mama Lizzie and Papa because she knows this will happen.

Adelia held back her pain for the entire day and when everyone was gone and she was left with Lisa, she let that wall crumble down immediately.

Lisa has to make-up an excuse for Adelia when Lizzie asks for her adoptive daughter's whereabouts. Lisa has to lie at that moment saying they need to go back to Dubai for 5 days.

Because that's how long it takes for Addie to get her energetic self back again. That's how long she was laying in the hospital bed this time.

It took a whole willpower of Lisa to not call Evans. She needs support and luckily having Rieta by her side was enough at that moment but she needs to tell Evans at some point but didn't want to bother him on his honeymoon and she knows Addie will not be pleased about it.

Noah has been spamming Addie's phone, looking for her. Same goes with their friends. Millie and Sadie tried endlessly too and they even contacted Lisa. Lisa was just saying Adelia was having her 'one of her days' and promised to keep it a secret because she knows Addie didn't want anyone to know it.

So, Millie, Sadie, Finn, Jaeden and Noah believe that it was Adelia's episode striking back and they didn't say anything about it when the adults were asking for Addie when they were at their Avengers training rehearsal.

After those 5 days,

Adelia finally came to their training in LA where everyone was for now because they were gonna start filming the next few days while waiting for Mama and Daddy to come back home from their honeymoon.

Which leads us to now, 2 weeks after where everyone was in the communal room, they are on their break scenes from filming.

Lisa was supposed to be back to Dubai right after Mama and Daddy's wedding but with Adelia's condition getting worse, she just starts taking those jobs from LA and if they really have an emergency that needs her there, then she'll have to go there.

But for now, she'll just be right where she was with Adelia.

The doctors have warned Lisa about Addie's condition. She's getting worse but they still haven't found her the perfect donor for her body.

She had already informed Chris. It took a lot of convincing from Lisa to the girl's father to not panic and keep acting like nothing is happening because that is not what Addie needs right now.

"So, are we still on for dinner at Evans's place tonight?" Mama Lizzie asks from where she is seated with Addie's head on her lap and Addie's leg on Mama's lap.

The kid- Millie, Sadie, Jaeden, Finn, Noah and Adelia- immediately perked up at that suggestion making the adults look at them in alarm

"You guys are having dinner tonight at Mama and Daddy's house?" Addie asks

"We are having dinner together tonight at our house" Mama corrected

"Is there something going on?" Lizzie asks confusedly as she saw the kids glance at each other defeatedly

Clearly something is going on. The kids have a plan for tonight!

"Oh no. We're just- we have- we already making a reservation for tonight's dinner" Sadie said, stumbling over her words to find an excuse

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