Chapter 25

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"She's asleep. Been asleep for an hour now"

They all went back home after the after party. Lizzie has tried calling Adelia but of course Adelia didn't answer it which of course makes Mama Lizzie almost have a panic attack thinking that she ran once again.

You can't predict Adelia Lorena. You don't know if she's just throwing a sarcastic comment or if she means it.

So Lizzie called Irina and much to her relief, she's at her apartment, sleeping sulkily. Even Adelia is mad at Lizzie but at least Adelia's here. And not running away again.

That's the main priority. That's Lizzie's trauma and making her paranoid ever.

So Lizzie thanked Irina and told Irina to inform her about Adelia's state from time to time tomorrow. Gotta keeps an extra eye on Adelia even though she's already keeping an eye on that teenager.

And after knowing Adelia's safe in her apartment, Lizzie then hits the pillow and is immediately being carried by a dreamland after an exhausting event premiere today.

What Lizzie didn't know is that, instead of sleeping, Adelia and her friends are still wide awake, having fun in their after-'after party'.

Adelia was hoping she could 'release' some of the stress in her mind upon what had been happening tonight.


It was 3 am in the morning.

Lizzie and Robbie were sleeping peacefully, cuddling into each other's side but the peacefulness was interrupted by the sudden noise downstairs making the pair jolted in alarm.

"You hear what I hear, right?" Lizzie asks scaredly and Robbie nodded his head and put his fingers on his lip for Lizzie to be silent.

They both slowly slid down their bed and went downstairs but Lizzie grabbed her phone just in case something happened and Robbie grabbed something to protect them both in case there's an intruder which is kind of hilarious because this neighborhood is secure. They are guarded because this is where most celebrities live.

Robbie walks slowly and Lizzie stays behind her partner with the phone clutched in her hand.

As they reach the bottom of the stairs they both breathe out of relief as they see who's the culprit.

"Addie, Baby?" Lizzie called confusedly.

Adelia feels bad over the argument that happened last night. She thought she could 'release' some of the stress but apparently it's making her guiltier.

She's a mess. Like literally, physically. Mentally? You won't need to guess. But you know her mentality is not a mess but worse.

Adelia was still in her black dress that she wore at the red carpet last night but her hair is in a messy bun with some loose strings of hair falling out of it.

Lizzie was now in front of Adelia, looking at her worriedly. Adelia just walks to Lizzie and immediately lays her forehead on Lizzie's shoulder as she whispers something.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't said that to you"

And Mama Lizzie immediately knows that Adelia was guilty about it and yes, her mind has started spiraling.

Lizzie wraps her arm around Addie and shushes her pseudo daughter.

"Apology accepted, Baby. We're good now. All is well" Lizzie said as she sways them both a bit from side to side to comfort Adelia.

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