Chapter 50

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Beep... Beep.... Beep....

That was the only sound that was heard for the past couple of days.

It was Adelia's heart machine.

After her successful transplant surgery. Heart transplant.

The heart that Theo gave to Adelia.

The surgery was successful because right after Adelia's heart gave up all of a sudden of their goodbye's, Allen kept on doing CPR, not wanting to give up on the girl. She's been too attached to Adelia to lose the girl.

So, after a crucial 6 hours of waiting in the waiting room, Allen went out to see the family.

She was carrying a somewhat relieved and somber look that made Adelia's family nervous as hell.

Everyone was still there, they hadn't left the waiting room at all.

But after Allen informs them that the surgery was a success with the close call, everyone cries in relief. Scarlett and Chris hugging each other, crying. Lizzie and Robbie do the same.

But Lisa and Matthew..

Lisa hugged Matthew so tight as Matthew cried in silent pain.

The surgery was successful, that means Theo is no longer here.

And Daddy, Papa, Adelia's Uncles, all of them hugged Matthew to show their support and gratefulness. They sure as hell that Matthew is now part of their family since he's all alone now because his nephew just gave his heart to their precious Adelia Lorena.


After surgery, they can't really meet with Adelia since she's in post-op but they do see her from outside of the room though.

They just keep watching her sleeping figure with her body attached to so many wires to her heart machine.

Allen had to put her into an induced coma for a few days to see how her body adjusted with the new heart.

And so far, the heart is adapting very well with Adelia's body and Adelia got to change into her room yesterday after 5 days of post- surgery.

The only people that were there the entire time were only Adelia's parents. The others come and visit from time to time frequently.

And also Noah. Their friends can't really stay as much as him because they have work to do. Filming. While he doesn't. So he spends most of his time on Addie's bed side.

It was a week after Adelia's surgery that she finally awake

Very sudden and no one expected it because it was 3 in the morning.

Allen has put off her meds for induced coma yesterday so they expect her to be awake the next morning but instead she woke up earlier.

Though it just started small with her finger twitching while Mama Lizzie holding it and then Mama Scarly squeezing her hand which she responded to back and also she managed to open her eyes to blink it and then go back to sleep again.

So, at 3 in the morning, all of Addie's parents were there, sleeping, except for the men. Papa and Daddy. They are on night watch, letting the ladies have their rest. They both are watching sport show in Addie's hospital room TV

Mama has her head on Addie's bed, always the one sleeping on Addie's side of the bed and Lisa and Lizzie have the other or they'll be sleeping on the cot that the nurses bring for them.

Adelia opened her eyes rather awake this time, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before turning her head to look over her surroundings. She sees Papa and Daddy focus on watching the TV, Mama holding her hand and Mama Lizzie holding the other.

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