Chapter 22

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It had already been 2 years.....

2 years since Chris and Scarlett last saw their daughter, Adelia Lorena.

They still see her but they just didn't get to interact with her. They just know about her wellbeing. Because Addie cut their communication off by herself. They can't communicate with Adelia at all. 

Lots of things had happened that led Adelia to back off from them. 

And also lots of things had happened in those 2 years. Adelia surely had changed a lot. For starters, she's now a 16 year old teenage girl.

So, let's start on how Adelia stopped seeing her birth parents... That it was ultimately her decision.

Ever since they had their pool blast 2 years ago with everyone, things started to go off. Adelia was trying really hard to keep her emotions at bay and busied herself with work.

She thought it would keep her mind at ease so that she could forget the war in her mind but it's not. Seeing Scarlett everyday in Atlanta, sharing one house together with all of her parents, reminding her of the words that Scarlett said to her family about Adelia being the mistake. Those words are engraved into her mind forever and it causes a deep wound to her soul.

She tried. She really tried to forget about it but it's not easy to ask someone with depression to stop being depressed, to ask someone who had an eating disorder to just eat, to ask someone who has a panic attack to calm down. That's now how it works.

And then with Lizzie and Scarlett. Sometimes, or most of the time, Addie really preferred being with Lizzie than Scarlett. I mean, honestly, what do you expect? That she's going to act like she's okay with Scarlett? She can't do that. That's too mean for herself. Not for anyone but to herself.

She does see Scarlett trying to win her back. She appreciates it very fucking much but that doesn't mean she won't do the same thing again right? She could just leave Adelia all over again just like how she used to whenever she like it or whenever she notices that Adelia was too fucking damage.

And to top it all off, sometimes Rose.

Don't get her wrong, she loves her little sister so much. But she was used to being the baby of the family. She is the baby of the Emerson's family. That's how she grew up too. But that doesn't mean she can't share the love with her baby sister. She can but she needs her parents to be by her side when she needs them. Especially when she's having 'one of these days'. But they aren't and it just makes her feel like she's not their burden to carry anymore. So that's why she backed off from their life.

Addie was having one of these days, 2 weeks when they arrived in Atlanta. She was really tired to even move out of bed to go downstairs to even get food. She really needs her parents but she couldn't find them and they didn't come to her room like they usually are.

So, she makes her best effort to get out of bed, not bothering to even change her PJs and just go downstairs hoping that she could find Lizzie or even Scarlett just because she really needs them. Needs their cuddles.

But she saw the sight that made her heart drop.

Three of her parents are giving their full attention to Rose, watching TV, laughing at whatever it was on the TV as Addie didn't bother to check it.

So she goes back upstairs to her room and cries to herself until she's exhausted.

To actually make herself better for everyone.

And the things that make her will to leave them stronger is that one thing she discovered.

That Scarlett and Chris were in a relationship when they were in Atlanta.

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