Chapter 35

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Scarlett was awoken with a sound of Adelia throwing up in the bathroom this morning.

Mama then rushed to Addie when she gained her bearing on the surroundings. Adelia was leaning on the toilet, gagging everything she had in her system though it had nothing really because she hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday.

Holding up the girl's hair and rubbing her back softly as Addie continuously throws up. She was just heaving by now.

This was the consequence when you decided to drink alcohol and get tipsy. But actually Addie is never this worse when she's tipsy.

Maybe this is all the trauma coming up from yesterday.

Or her cancer acting up because of the alcohol she consumed.

She knows she's getting weak but she thought if she could pretend it wasn't here, maybe she'll get better.

But well, it's wrong, Adelia. And here are the consequences.

"You're okay now, Baby?" Scarlett asks in concern. She knows why this girl is throwing up.

Everyone knows but they didn't have the heart to scold this girl. That's what is compromising them. Scarlett had known everything after Lizzie came bringing her dinner plate last night.

It took 10 minutes of Adelia mumbling incoherent words to her Mama and she finally passed out from the exhaustion.

"Heads hurt" Addie mumbles as she flush down the toilet and lean back on Mama's front. "Whole body's hurt. Is that normal for a hangover?" Addie asks

"How much did you drink?" Scarlett asks and Addie just scrunched up her face.

"Half a bottle of bourbon," Adelia replied quietly.

Scarlett took a whole lot of her power to not get upset right now. Not when Addie needs her. Half a bottle of bourbon won't get you too drunk. It'll make you tipsy but it shouldn't make her having this bad hangover

"M' Sorry" Addie whispers defeatedly as she turns around to face Mama.

"Well, come on. Let's get downstairs. Lizzie, Lisa and Chris are downstairs right now. We'll talk after breakfast" Scarlett answered.

By talk, meaning that she's gonna have a long lecture about how she was underage and she shouldn't be drinking.

She was just reluctantly obliged to Mama and let Mama help her get ready for the day. They all are gonna have to go to the set after lunch seeing as Addie took an early off from work yesterday.


"Where's Robbie?" Lisa asks as they were eating their breakfast in awkward silence. Lisa had come over for breakfast with Lizzie because they had discussed yesterday to confront Addie about her drinking problem.

"He has to fly to New York this morning because his band has some work to get done" Lizzie responded. "He really want to be here right now for this though"

And upon hearing that, Adelia just momentarily closes her eyes. The lecture is about to begin.

But it never came right that moment and she surprisingly opened her eyes and saw all of her parents at the dining table, eating their breakfast casually.

She even looked at Lisa and Chris for the first time today after coming down with Mama. She wasn't planning to look at them because she was pretty much still pissed at them but when everyone was practically acting like nothing happened last night, it seemed weird to her.

"So we're gonna pretend like nothing happened then?" Adelia asks as she stares back down at her plate not making eye contact but she could feel all of her parents' eyes on her.

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