Chapter 24

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They are currently at the after party of their new Avengers World Premiere.

The movie is so great and the whole crowd is cheering over Adelia and the other Young Avengers characters. They are so looking forward to seeing the Young Avengers character development and their banters in the next movies.

The adults are standing by the bar with their booze on their hands, chatting about mundane things and about Adelia too..

They can't wrap their minds around on the surprise end credit scene.

Adelia and the other kids are sitting in the lounge with their coke. Because obviously they can't drink since the parents are there.

"We're definitely gonna have our own after party after this is all over" Adelia said quietly as she sips her coke drink.

"Amen to that. Don't get me wrong, I love doing movie premieres but my god it's mentally and physically draining" Millie said agreeing.

Come on... Don't think these kids are so innocent in never having their own party..... We're living in the 21st century and the kids have fame..... They've been exposed to so many things.

"Seriously, it's a miracle we've never been caught by any of our adults. Especially Adelia 'adults' you know" Sadie snorted.

"That's because she have someone up in her sleeve" Jaeden smirks

"Ah, that's right. You lucky bitch you have Irina and Enzo on your ends to cover you up for this" Millie said and they all just laughed at that.

That's right. Irina and Enzo are like Adelia's brother and sister. They protect her and also they let her have 'fun' but not too much of it but Adelia knows her boundaries.

"Well, if you have some traumatic story and sad past, why not use it for your own benefits?" Adelia said, smirking mischievously.

There it is. There's the brat side of Adelia Lorena.

Things sure change for Adelia and only her best friends know it.

Then Adelia saw Robbie was waving at her, calling her over to where the adults were and Adelia sighs.

"Well, time for me to make acquaintance with them before they bother me on our after party" Adelia mumbles quietly, walking past her friends and they all laugh at her to which she flips them off discreetly on her back so that the adults won't see it but Noah being the ever loving friends, snitch her up and yelled


Adelia turned back around to face her friends and showed her face of disbelief at Noah.

"Little Miss, come here, keep walking" Lizzie said in her motherly tone and Adelia absolutely hated that tone because Mama Lizzie only used that tone when Addie's in trouble.

Adelia just grumbled under her breath and kept walking to Robbie and not to Lizzie because she just wants to be difficult like that.

Scarlett and Chris watch the whole interaction with a tug of pain in their heart. But nevertheless they are happy that Adelia's happy with her parents figure. They are grateful their daughter received a lot of love from her surroundings.

"Are you sulking now?" Lizzie asks teasingly and Adelia just glares at Mama Lizzie in response. "Okay, okay. Can I have a timeline here?"

"Well since Scarlett got 2 years, maybe it'll be balanced if I sulk with you for 2 years too" Adelia mumbles, obviously joking.

Like I said, her brat side is showing.

And everyone fell into tense silence as soon as Adelia let out that statement.

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