Chapter 37

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Days passed by

Adelia's parents based camping outside of Addie's green area, just watching the girl through the window that connected to her room.

They didn't talk much but they just stayed there in silence, watching their daughter until it was time for others to go home. The first night it was Lizzie who stayed back at the hospital, the second was Scarlett and Chris and the last day was Mommy.

Though Adelia's parents were still cold with each other. Especially Mama and Daddy. They are just talking when it is necessary.

Mama was still pissed at Daddy for not telling her about Addie's cancer situation.

Papa (Robbie) has come back home immediately after Mama Lizzie called him that night when she was all alone at the hospital. She was crying and sobbing and Papa bought the next plane ticket to come back home to Lizzie and Addie as fast as he could.

How about work? Adelia's parents decided to tell them the day after Adelia was hospitalized. Kevin and The Russo's are giving Scarlett, Chris and Lizzie 3 days off and they have tried to reschedule things as much as they can.

Addie's parents are trying to hold as they possibly can from telling the others. The casts. But it just made the casts even more worried when the parents went radio silence.

So, here it was, leading them to now, sitting outside of Addie's green room, staring at the girl again.

Lizzie, Robbie, Scarlett, Chris and Lisa. Allen has come to tell them that Addie could wake up at any moment since they've stopped the medication for her induced coma. Though they can tell there are some things that Allen held back from telling them but they just shrugged it off.

They need to focus on getting Adelia to wake up first.

"You remember the day when she was 2 when she screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw a little bug?" Chris started as he continuously stared at his daughter.

Everyone was a little taken back from his sudden story but they just listened to it. Scarlett seems to smile a bit as she remembers the event of Chris's story.

"The one where she was playing in her little play cave at the end of the living room?" Scarlett prompts and Chris just nodded his head and smiling widely

"The bug was miles away from her but she screamed like it was at arm length. At that time I knew she would be a good singer because of her scream. That girl got lungs" Chris said, chuckling quietly

"She yells 'Satan, go away' at the bug" Scarlett continues and mimicking Addie's 2 years old voice making the others laugh quietly. "I swear most of her big words are from Hunter" Mama added while playfully shaking her head in distaste.

Then everyone seems to fall into an awkward silence once again.

The conversations that happened might have been the longest they all have ever had since they knew about Addie's cancer.

"Why'd you not tell me, Chris?" Scarlett sighs, mumbles sadly as she starts to point out her dissatisfaction to her husband.

Then she could hear Chris taking a big deep breath and she could see him closing his eyes.

"I wasn't supposed to know, Scarlett" Chris replied and Scarlett just scoffs at that

"Yeah? What about me then? Were you ever planning to tell me and Lizzie about this at all?" Scarlett asks bitterly "Or we will know this when she's died from this cancer someday and that's when you guys will tell us about it?"

Chris was just as much in rage as Scarlett by now. He was standing immediately from his seat and face his wife

"Jesus, Scarlett! You think it was easy for me?! I had to know this on our wedding day, Scar! Our fucking wedding day where we're supposed to be happy about that day! Instead I got the news that my daughter is dying from cancer and she didn't tell anyone at all! I know because she slipped out when she thought no one was there with her and Lisa!" Chris exclaimed. He didn't yell but his voice did raise an octave because he's still aware they are in the hospital right now.

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