Chapter 28

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It was 2:09 in the morning now.

After they finished watching Adelia's performance at The Voice UK, everyone went back to their respective rooms to get some rest because they have a red carpet premiere tomorrow at 3 pm.

Lizzie, Scarlett, Robbie and Chris just left the bar at the Hotel after discussing Adelia's work schedule. They made a lot of changes in Adelia's schedule.

They are sure as hell they'll have to have a chat with Adelia and Irina about this. Adelia's adults know it was not Irina's fault because Adelia will use her puppy eyes that always manage to convince Irina to take the job.

So, after they made a lot of changing and cancel the jobs, Adelia only left with her music career schedule- Lizzie, Scarlett and Chris got a lot of help from Robbie because he's mastered on that department- and then the interviewing they'll be having for the movies they've been on premiere tour and the red carpet tour. And also the incoming job for the new Avengers movie that they'll be filming together in a month by now.

Scarlett and Chris's wedding will be in 3 weeks by now and then they'll be on their honeymoon for a week and then start filming their new movies together.

Yup, they are gonna be busy this month for the wedding stuff and then with the red carpet tour all over the world and then the interview but nevertheless, they are happy because Adelia's with them. That means they are gonna spend a lot of time together.

So, back to reality

Adelia's parents decided that they should head to bed now since it's already 2 in the morning and they have to wake up at 10 to get ready for the red carpet premiere.

"What time is Adelia's flight back here again?" Chris asks as they made their way to the elevator

"Irina told me that they'll fly back at 9 in the morning" Lizzie replied

"So, they'll be here at 10:30 the latest. We can still go together then" Scarlett said. The flight distance from Manchester to London was only 45 minutes.

"Yup, she should be here tomorrow at 10:30 the lat-" Lizzie said but was momentarily halted as she saw someone that she was not supposed to be seeing until tomorrow 


"Where's Addie?! Aren't you supposed to be with her?" Lizzie asks, panicking.

To make it worse, Irina also looks slightly worried which makes the 4 of them hearts beating so hard.

"We just arrived 30 minutes ago. Addie wants to come back tonight after the performance" Irina answered

"Where is she, Irina?" Robbie asks, looking around for the girl in question

The girl in question was in her music room that was near them.

Adelia has her own music room in every Emerson's hotel. Lisa made it because she knows how much that girl loves her music room and since Adelia didn't have many friends, she'll always go there to spend her free time. They are rich, rich.

That was her escape place. Her safe room. Her happy place.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Adelia immediately made her way to the music room. She decided to go back to London straight away after her performance at The Voice UK.

She can't bear being there anymore. Seeing Theo she can handle it but when Theo starts to want to talk to her, that just makes it worse.

All of her sadness that she felt, she turns it into anger

Angry at the world because she just wants one second to feel peace but the goddamn universe thought otherwise apparently.

So, she went to her music room as she thought it'll make her feel better.

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