Chapter 46

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Addie has been in and out of sleep in those 5 hours since everyone's arrived and after her 'nebby' time.

It was currently dinner time. Most of the cast have gone back home to get change and come back after except for Hemsworth and Ruffalo because they promised their family some time together after they wrapped their filming.

The Johansson's family has arrived along with Aunty MK and Aunty Ash since they took Aunty Ash's private plane together since they're in New York.

Daddy's family is gonna be here tomorrow.

And then Adelia's friends are here too except for Millie. She's stuck filming so she'll come by as soon as she's done with it.

Though when they all are there, Adelia is asleep.

But since it's dinner time, they have to wake her up. She needs to eat or she'll have to wear a feeding tube and Adelia has made it very clear that that thing won't be near her.

Since Adelia's condition worsened, she did fall asleep almost every time but she's also easy to wake up. Just a nudge and her eyes open.

And tonight's dinner is the usual Mushroom soup. Adelia can't eat anything other than soup. That's the type of food she can consume right now. Nothing too chewy and something easily she could digest.

While everyone was eating, Addie was being fed by Mama. Being the clingy self and also because she's 'too tired'

That makes everyone's heart ache, she's too tired to do something so simple and yet keep a strong facade in front of everyone.

"What are we gonna do for tomorrow?" Addie asks as she takes another spoon of her Mushroom soup.

"What do you wanna do, Baby?" Scarlett asks softly as she wipes the remaining soup on Addie's mouth from leaking.

"I've been wanting to go to our beach house" She exclaimed softly as she pouted sadly with her puppy eyes.

"Ohhh, she's using her tricks" Uncle Hunter said, chuckling at that when he saw Mama melted at those faces.

Adelia just giggled in response and everyone was smiling from ear to ear.

"So can we please? We've been planning that we'll go there after everyone is done with their filming"

"Bubba, I don't know if Allen is gonna let you out of the hospital" Chris exclaimed softly and he wants to take his words back as soon as possible after seeing Addie's face falter.

"Everyone's here and we can't be stuck in my hospital room while waiting for my death. Might as well do something memorable" She said bluntly

Everyone's breath hitched at that.

"You're not gonna die" Lisa states firmly

"That's what you want to believe" Addie mumbles quietly

"Stop saying that, Adelia. We'll do our best here to find you a donor" Scarlett chimes in with her teary eyes.

"We've been waiting for years now-" She had to cut herself off with a violent cough coming out from her that made her hard to breath a bit.

Everyone just stands in alarm just in case anything happens, Ma Lizzie rubs Addie's back while Mama rubs Addie's chest.

She finished coughing and there's blood coming out from her mouth and her hands that she covered her mouth with. Everyone just stood there looking at it worried. It was the first time ever they saw it happen but not to Lizzie, Robbie, Scarlett, Chris and Lisa.

Even so, it still scares the shit out of them.

Adelia stares at the blood in her hands and then turns to her bedside table to grab a couple of tissues and clean it up.

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