Chapter 32

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7289 WORDS. A roller coaster emotional chapter today. Please, prepare some tissue. And to add the mood, please listen to the song above at the certain part where I've marked it out. Love ya! 

It has been a month!

A month has passed since Adelia has reunited with her family once again.

A month ever since Scarlett and Chris got their baby girl back.

A month has passed since the world press tour began.

Adelia was honestly busy as hell.

After London, she goes to Japan with Mama Lizzie then they have to be apart for 5 days because Adelia has to go to Indonesia for her press tour there and then to Singapore.

After that she's back in LA with her Mama Lizzie, Papa and Mommy.

But again, she's busy. She's either in the studio, training for her new Avengers movie or making youtube content for her youtube channel or sometimes she'll have magazine photoshoots and get called for interviews in New York or in LA.

And then she still got school going on. Even if it's online school. She still has to focus in school too.

Scarlett and Chris are gonna have their wedding in New York so that's where they are after London for most of the time. They are busy with their preparations.

Adelia hasn't met them ever since London but they've been texting and facetiming everyday.

Rose is now with Scarlett and Adelia got to facetime with Rose the other day. That 7 year old girl was really excited that her big sister is back! They are talking for 2 hours and Adelia has to sing that girl to sleep because Rose threatens to not go to bed if her big sister is not singing her the usual lullaby that Addie used to sing back then.

Though at first, Rose was very upset with Adelia for leaving like that but Adelia made up some comfort lie for the girl saying that she's working and she has to focus on her school too. Her school didn't require her being in contact with anyone for a few years.

Rose is a smart girl, she didn't believe her sister at all because she heard their Mama cry at Chris's shoulders but she didn't say anything because then she'll be busted for not being asleep when she should be in bed.

They've promised to meet up before Mama's wedding. So, Rose was counting down for that day.

Actually, it was supposed to be today. Adelia, Lizzie, Robbie and Lisa are already in New York actually. But Adelia was still busy with her photoshoots and she had something cooking at the studios.

She was also meeting with Finn, Jaeden and Noah for their band practice because they are gonna be performing at Addie's Mama and Daddy's wedding.

And today, at 10 pm, Enzo drove Adelia to Scarlett's house because Lisa had been blowing their phone up and asking them to have that girl home right now. Oh, Lisa is so mad because she thought Adelia purposely didn't pick up her call.

No, Adelia intends to be forgetful when she's busy. She's too deep focusing on the task at hand and she forgets about her surroundings. Enzo has to drag the poor girl to the car and Addie immediately passes out on the backseat in the car.

So, she didn't know that they were going back home to Scarlett's home in New York.

"Addie, we're here" Enzo shook the girl gently from her sleep. Adelia stirs awake at only one shook. She was still in a daze so Enzo had to lead the girl inside of the house.

There's a lot of people at Mama's house tonight because tomorrow is the wedding day so of course the whole family was there.

Nana was there, Aunt Vanessa, Mama Lizzie, Mommy, Uncle Hunter, Uncle Adrian and Adelia's cousins.

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