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The young princess was startled by the knock on her door as she was getting her hair done by a hairstylist.

The maid from before moved to open the door in a hurry, smiling once she saw Jay.

"Hello Jay."

He bowed at everyone as a polite gesture as he gave them all a small smile.

His eyes briefly met the princess' and she quickly turned away from him, pretending to play with the bristles on a brush.

Jay grinned as he sat at the chair by the door, playing with the small belt on the knee of his uniform.

"The prince is coming to visit." Fran suddenly informed as she practically ran into the room.

Hazel looked at her as she sighed loudly.


"Right now." Fran frantically said, as the maids got to quickly organizing the mess that was created trying to pick the princess' new dress of the day.

The princess looked down at her hands as she fell into a deep thought.

Jay gazed at her, feeling his shoulders drop in disappointment.

It was like the truth that he already knew suddenly hit him.

She's the princess. She will be getting married to Prince Wilson in less than a month.

She wasn't just any girl.

He didn't know why he had forgotten about that fact.

A knock was heard on the door making him stand up and place his hands behind his back.

The prince stepped in uninvited as he looked around the room searching for Hazel.

"My princess. I haven't seen you in a long time." Wilson greeted as he walked over to where Hazel sat in her vanity, placing a kiss on her cheek, which her instinct was to move away from.

He stared at her for a second but then he dismissed it and looked around the room one more time.

"Jay. You're here. Again."

"Good morning your highness." Jay bowed his head politely as he gave him a small, forced smile.

Wilson clicked his tongue as he invited himself to sit at the chair that was close to Jay.

"I guess people don't listen to what I say."

Jay looked at Wilson in confusion as he wondered what the hell he was talking about.

"Why are you here, alone, with my fiance?"

"I am her personal guard, your highness." Jay explained as he nodded his head.

"I thought you were a tailor."

"I am but-"

"Did I ask you to respond?"

Jay raised his eyebrows in surprise as he tried not to call the guy a Wack job.

"I'm sorry." He struggled to say as he tried not to show any attitude that seemed out of place or disrespectful.

"Wilson, why are you visiting?" The princess decided to interrupt as she turned her body to face them.

"Am I not allowed to come visit my princess?"

"I just don't appreciate how you showed up uninvited." Hazel said sternly.

The prince and the princess glared at each other for a span of a few seconds.

The Princess and The Tailor |Park Jeongseong|Where stories live. Discover now