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Earlier's events seemed to still be stuck in her head, Takashi was always a standoffish type of guy. He barely said a word to little Yuno but he never treated her coldly— but he never showed fake attention for her like he did with the guests that would frequently visit the host club.

He was actually genuine with her.. and to be honest she liked that, he was a genuine person out of all the people at Ouran who acted stuck up and too good.

She smiled to herself, and hoped that her and Takashi could be good friends in the future— after all the more friends the merrier and the more chance she has into succeeding in the wonderful high school life every girl dreams of.

"Heyyy, you haven't paid a single glance our way all afternoon," Kaoru waved his hand in front of his girlfriends face, snapping her out of whatever trance she had been in.

"A-Ah I'm sorry, I was just thinking," Bashfulky stated Yuno, rubbing her hickey covered neck as she swallowed nervously.

Kaoru's auburn eyes lit up, wondering what could be plaguing her thoughts.

"Thinking? Was it about me?" He flirted, rubbing his head against hers as they sat by each other in the empty club room.

The only time her and the twins ever got alone time was the beginning of club hours, and the theme for the club activities today, was a flower viewing reception. Kaoru was already dressed in his server attire while Hikaru was still getting changed, the other members were already down preparing at the venue in the court yard.

"To be honest, it was about.. Takashi, we were talking earlier today and I was just thinking how he really is a good guy," Yuno leaned on Kaoru as he did to her, "I'm really glad we have him as a friend," She hummed softly.

Kaoru couldn't help but bite his bottom lip, a sense of jealousy licking at his heart as he tried to keep his composure. Yuno was an innocent little thing— she doesn't know any better, so it's not like she knew what she was doing to the auburn haired teen.

"What about Takashi?" Hikaru piped up, fixing his tie as he walked out of the dressing room.

"Just that he's a good friend, I'm happy you guys have him in your lives!" Yuno said abruptly, feeling a bit bashful and nervous all of the sudden.

She didn't know why, but it felt like she accidentally lit a candle that wasn't supposed to be lit.

"Hmm.. I supposed you're right but," Hikaru leaned down in front of her, Kaoru on her side as he nuzzled into her neck, both boys knowing what they were going to say:

"You're the only friend we need."

Down at the flower venue— Yuno found herself waiting in line to see her boyfriends, she won't lie when she said that she had a heavy heart whenever she went to their club to support them. In fact she felt absolutely horrible as she sat down to enjoy tea with the other ladies.

All of them chatting it up with the two as she sat across from them, trying to enjoy the delectable snacks as the twins kept sneaking glances at her.

They watched as her bottom lip puckered out in a cute pout, both boys wanting to ravish her on the blanketed grass.

   "Ahh.. what's going on over there? A-Are they giving away magazines?!" The ladies suddenly said, jolting up as they ran to Kyoya.

"Huh? Magazines?" Yuno said, looking over at Kyoya who seemed to be crowded with ladies.

"Yes magazines, Kyoya has pictures of us that he took without our knowledge it really shows us in our raw state," Hikaru said uninterested, but to the ladies that was all he needed to say before each and every lady was up and running to the dark haired host.

That's when the twins took the initiative to stand up themselves, both of them holding out their hands for her to grab.

  "Well aren't you coming?" They said in unison, and the jade eyed girl smiled happily, thankful to be their object of affection once more, before they headed off towards Tamaki who seemed fo be enjoying himself by Haruhi and Kyoya.

"Hey.. Kaoru, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Hikaru asked, holding Yuno's right hand, while Kaoru had her left.

"Ruin the boss's peaceful mood?" Replied back Kaoru, both boys growing devil horns as Yuno had an innocent halo over her head in confusion.

That's when both boys left her side and attached onto Haruhi, both of them asking her questions about class.

"So Haruhi, have you decided your elective courses for this term?" They both questioned, grinning ear to ear at the girl in hopes to make Tamaki jealous.

But they were making the wrong person jealous, because Yuno's face gleamed a deep shade of red— angry that they were displaying affection to another girl, and this wasn't the type they did to the guest, no the twins knew their boundaries when it came to hosting, but with Harubi it's like all sense of boundary left.

Of course Yuno understood the little rivalry the twins had with their boss— but weren't they pushing it a little too much?

"How about conversational French? I think we should take it together, after all we are in the same class..."

What they were doing seemed to have worked on Tamaki because it was like an entire wave of depression hit him and he sat underneath a cherry blossom tree where Yuno stood, depressingly mumbling to himself as he tried to take the image of the twins and Haruhi out of his head.

Yuno bent down, and pat him on the head softly.

"It's okay, there there," Smiled Yuno, trying to cheer him up.

"No.. it's not," Tamaki mumbled to himself, before piping back up once more,"—say mommy dear?" Tamaki called out for Kyoya.

And Kyoya responded with a sarcastic smile.

"What is it now, daddy?" Humoured the dark haired prince.

"I have a new theory—and it's just an hypothesis but I believe the twins spend more time with Haruhi than I do at the club, and if that happens then they'll get more close to her than me..." Explained the blond, jealousy filling him.

Yuno and Kyoya deadpanned at this, looking at the blond as if he was stupid.

"Tamaki..." Yuno softly began, not knowing what to tell him, "...you're just now figuring that out?"

An arrow instantly went through Tamaki, at his newfound stupidity.

While Kyoya explained the numbers to Tamaki's involvement in Haruhi's life, Yuno went back to looking over at her boyfriends.

A frown spreading across her face as the twins had let go of the brunette a long while ago.

If they would go to that far lengths to make Tamaki jealous in front of her, Yuno wondered what they would do while Yuno wasn't around.

Woild they touch her more? Woild they say something more.. say something like they tell Yuno?

They wouldn't.. would it?

Yuno didn't know why, but she had a bad feeling bubble in her stomach as Tamaki was having a full fit about Haruhi sharing her real identity to the rest of the school.

"No need to rush things, she'll be found out soon enough," Sang Hikaru, "Physical exams is the day after tomorrow," Finished Kaoru in the same sing song voice.

"P-Physical.. exams?" Haruhi repeated, as if the idea was a strange thing.

That's when the every member of the host club gasped in horror, all except for Kyoya. After all.. what were they to do with their secret princess?

All the whole Yuno.. stood off to the side, feeling like.. a slight annoyance.

Slight Annoyance  | Hikaru& Kaoru HitachiinWhere stories live. Discover now