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    Hikaru played with his brother's hair as the two boys laid in bed together, it was a nice tranquil Saturday afternoon and both were conversing on what they could do today. Though Kaoru had already suggested staying in bed which Hikaru agreed with a quick snuggle to his little twin brother. No, both of them didn't find this repulsive, all twins do it, don't they?

   However their peaceful vibe was crushed by Kaoru's phone ringing quite violently, a catchy ring-tone playing on full blast.

   "Hit or miss I guess they never miss, huh?"

   "Kaoru. . ." Groaned Hikaru, letting go of his twin and turning the other way and hugging a pillow.

   "No that's your phone," Denied Kaoru, refusing to awake from his slumber as he shivered missing the embrace of his brother's arms.

   "You gotta boyfriend bet he doesn't—"

  "No...I don't have that ringtone. . ." Replied the auburn haired boy, glowering a bit at the ringtone since it was in English and he couldn't understand it— and the beat was messing with his sleep!

   "He gon' find another girl and he won't miss—"

   "Kaoru!" Hollered Hikaru, the song getting even more annoying at the minute— wishing his brother would pick ik his phone already.

   "Ugh, so grumpy," Kaoru grumbled, picking up his phone and sitting up answering it.

  "What?" He Snapped, without checking the caller ID, "Oh, Yuno," Oh'ed Kaoru making Hikaru snap up in a flash, coming closer to Kaoru and putting his own ear beside the phone.

   "Good morning sleepy heads~!" Came the way to hyper voice of the strawberry haired girl, they could both already see her jade eyes shimmering, and the thought of that while waking up in the morning wasn't half bad, "Do you guys wanna go see a movie today? My other friends sorta bailed out on me," The jade eyed girl asked, from the other end of the line.

  'What other friends?' Hikaru wanted to snap, but knew better.

  He knew of Yuno Kasako's circumstances and how kids treated her, so really the two boys were her only two options. And they honestly didn't know whether to be happy or upset.

   Kaoru looked at Hikaru, Hikaru nodded in silent communication, Kaoru nodded in agreement then responded back to the girl:

   "Yeah, when does the movie start?"

  The two could've sworn they could just see her bouncing on her heels as she told them all about the movie, the time, and where they would be meeting— Hikaru wished to see her that excited while Kaoru doing the same however slightly different.

   He wanted to see those jade eyes sparkle.

  They both seemed to snap out of their thoughts once the call had ended, Yuno's voice had somehow placed them under a trance. So as they sat their in complete silence Hikaru said:

   "You're not—"


  Hikaru chuckled, letting Kaoru hang off him, the two still laying in the eldest bed.

  "She's just annoying, right?"

     "Indeed she is,"

   However, as the phone sat on the table beside the bed—what they failed to notice was the phone hadn't hung up. Nor did Kaoru close it since he too lazy, and wanted to cuddle his brother.

   And as Yuno sat in her own room, the walls painted a pastel purple, her jade eyes were wide.

   Hanging up quickly, she looked down at her phone.

   "Am I. . ." she paused, ". . .annoying?"

Slight Annoyance  | Hikaru& Kaoru HitachiinWhere stories live. Discover now