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     Yuno kasako waited by a cafe in a very popular shopping district, other semi-rich people and millionaires walked about in their fashionable clothes shopping or going into the restaurants. The jade eyed girl didn't want to cancel her mini afternoon date, so here she was wearing her Casual clothes.

Now don't get her wrong, indeed she was quite hurt, however she knew from the very beginning. Or well that's what she told herself, after all it was her persistence that had gotten her to where she was today. So as she took a sip of her cappuccino, she wondered when the two boys will arrive?

"You're here early," Commented a familiar bored voice, making the jade eyed girl turn and smile brightly at the two.

"Ready to see 'Big Chungus,' " Giggled Yuno, lacing her hands behind her back as she stared up at the two who only stared back down at her.

"Yeah, though," Hikaru paused, looking up and down at her choice of clothes, "If we knew you'd be wearing this then we wouldn't have Came,"

"Yeah he's right, what's up with the outfit anyway?"

Yuno just smiled at them, their comments hurting a bit of her pride in clothing— shaking her head she stepped forward:

"We better go, the seats might be taken," She Nodded off, beginning to walk.

Kaoru was quite confused on why she hadn't said anything about their rude statements, usually girls would've slapped them by now or ran away crying. Looking over at his brother he watched as Hikaru had a small smirk on his face. And a smirk made its way to his own face, she really was starting to not to be that annoying.

Entering the way too fancy theater, the three ordered their food, turned in their tickets, then went to go find a seat. Oddly only half the theater was full so that gave them a chance to at least sit somewhere other than a few limited selection.

"Bottom or top?" Hummed Yuno, as Hikaru sipped his soda and Kaoru munched on his popcorn.

"Does it really matter—"

"—Yeah hurry and choose before we leave."

Yuno flinched at this, sighing quietly:

"Middle it is!"

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