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"Aw! Hikaru, how do you keep beating me?" Pouted Yuno, leaning against Kaoru with a Nintendo switch in her small hands.

Kaoru,in return, wrapped his arms around her small waist to pull her closer to his chest. Not making eye contact with Hikaru who looked their way.

"It's called skill, something you're clearly lacking," Replied the auburn haired boy, but then going tight lipped.

Hikaru Hitachiin felt so annoyed,for many reasons:

1. Kaoru acted as if nothing happened.
2. He actually...liked it.
3. All the boy wanted to do was scream out his frustrations.

"You're right, I guess," Smiled Yuno, placing the switch down, before cuddling into Kaoru.

Hikaru took notice of this, watching as his brothers lips had a light smile dawning his plump flesh.

"You two are acting weird..."Said Yuno, her strawberry blonde hair up into two ponytails as the boys tensed up.

Way to make it obvious.

"It's nothing—"

"—we're just tired."

Even when they panic they finish each other's sentences.

"Alright," The girl dismissed the matter, knowing that she shouldn't push them—so with a small sigh she pressed her face against Kaoru.

In her mind she slowly wished she hadn't had come. Honestly, what was up with them? Were they losing feelings for her? No...they wouldn't, right?

While as Yuno was having a mini argument in her head, Kaoru was making eye contact with Hikaru, which he immediately regretted.

Around 2nd year in middle school, teenage boys have rapid sensual hormones pumping through them. So, it was no surprise when Kaoru felt himself get hard. Even though, Yuno was just innocently snuggling up to his chest.

"Are you hard?" Mouthed Hikaru, making sure to be silent as Kaoru gave a stiff nod.

"Yuno, I thought you came here to see both of us?" Hikaru Called out, trying to save his girlfriend and her innocence.

The jade eyed girl popped up instantly, mind still foggy with negative thoughts, before tackling Hikaru.

"Wow, calm down," Chuckled Hikaru, letting his girlfriend perch on his lap.

"I don't think I can, I haven't seen you two since last week," Replied Yuno, unaware of Kaoru staring at the long haired girls backs.

That skirt she's wearing...why must she where those type of clothing here? Thought Kaoru, his twin thinking the same thing.

   Yuno hummed, dismissing her thoughts as her hands moved to Hikaru's sides. She felt oddly clingy today, too clingy, but she hasn't seen them in awhile. Not that Hikaru minded, he was more focused on his brother who was looking at Yuno's bum that was placed firmly on Hikaru's lower half.

   Kaoru wished to look away, wished to pick up the switch and play something. Though he couldn't, he couldn't! Puberty sucked for a guy!

  That's when the  youngest twin stood up abruptly, excusing himself to go to the bathroom.

   "Do you think Kaoru is alright?" He heard Yuno ask, before slamming the door shut rather quickly.

   Hikaru still sat on the couch with Yuno, tensing up. Just imagining Kaoru in there possibly jerking off to their girlfriend was unbelievably hot.

   "Ne, Hikaru could you get your phone out of your pocket? It hurts," Whined Yuno, a pale blush adorning her cheeks, hoping that he wouldn't ask specifically what hurt.

   The auburn haired male froze, phone? Dang it! Hikaru gently slid Yuno off of him, her blinking rather dubiously as Hikaru took his phone out of his pocket. Letting out a sigh of relief that he had his phone, because what Yuni felt, wasn't the flip phone Hikaru owned.

   Yuno and her innocence was no longer safe when both Hitachiin's were experiencing the hells of puberty.

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