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It was now Wednesday and Aisha was late for school again.

This time it wasn't fully her fault. When she came down the stairs, excited to hear her father's voice, she fell. She tried to tell her mother that she was fine but she refused to hear from her.

Her mother rushed her to the hospital, three days earlier than her mandatory weekly check-up. Hours and hours of full-body tests were done, and Aisha left the hospital with two stitches on her feet. Pretty minimal compare to some of her visits.

Aisha has Congenital insensitivity to pain, meaning she can't feel any type of pain. It is a pretty rare and serious condition, with a low lifespan since she can't feel if she is injured. Luckily for her, her parents make enough for her to go to weekly checkups at the hospital to make sure all the systems in her body are running smoothly and that she didn't cause major injury to herself while dancing.

It was worst when she was younger, she would go a week with a broken bone and cuts that would go unnoticed by her until she went to the doctor or until her parents noticed discoloration. She remembered the begging she had to do to convince her parents to let her dance, that's how the weekly checkup agreement came to be.

"You missed more than half of the school day today," Tessa, Aisha's friend, speaks sitting next to her friend.

"I had to go to the hospital." Aisha answers, finishing the homework she yet again did not do for her last-period class.

"Is everything alright?" Blake asks, seating next to Aisha.

"Yup just fell down the stairs."

"You need to be more careful." Blake lectures. Besides teachers and staff, Blake and Tessa are the only ones that know about Aisha's problem, not because she's actively keeping it a secret but because she doesn't see the point of telling everyone.

"I already heard the lecture from my mom, I don't need it from you." Aisha snaps, irritated with the events from today. With the whole hospital fiasco, her father didn't even stay. He just left, saying that he had an important thing to do at work leaving Aisha and her mother alone in the hospital.

"Why didn't you just miss the whole day? You would've had more time to finish your work." Tessa speaks, breaking up a potential argument between her two friends.

"I have an appointment after school," Aisha mumbles finishing her work.

"With who?" Tessa asks. She has never seen Aisha hang out with people that weren't her and Blake.

"Azrail, I'm going to his house to start working on our project."

"You're going to his house?? Why not in the library or something?" Tessa questions. This is the first time she's ever heard of Azrail working with someone, and even inviting someone to his house.

Aisha shrugs and finishes her homework. She noticed Blake was silent but said nothing, still a bit irritated with him. Deep down she knows it wasn't him she was mad at but she was still mad.

"He tried to do the project himself but I told him no," Aisha states when her friends' eyes wouldn't leave her.

"Just be careful, he's a freak." Blake finally speaks up, his voice filled with irritation. Aisha rolls her eyes.

"And how would you know that? He just doesn't speak to anyone and doesn't like being touched, a healthy boundary if you ask me." Aisha hates when people judge others without knowing the whole story first. It happened to her in the last school she went to, and it was hell.

"She's right Blake, it isn't right to judge, and Aisha be a little nicer. Tessa says trying to mediate between her two friends. She hates when Blake starts his jealousy shit and hates how oblivious Aisha says even more.

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