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"Excited about your performance tomorrow?" Azrail ask, feeding me one of his fries. 

Since break started, we spent almost everyday with each other excluding when I have practice. We were both sad about me leaving to travel with my dad for a few weeks so we were making time for it. 

My parents haven't been home for two weeks now and Tessa is in florida living it up with her cousins. So it's just been me, and my mans. 

My man. 

My man. 

My man. 

I love saying that. 



"You didn't answer my question angel," He points out, making my cheeks burn up. "Are you excited about your performance tomorrow?" 

I nod and smile at him. "Yes, and I'm so happy that you'll be coming." 

"You've been zoning out a lot angel, are you okay?" He asks concerningly. 

"I'm fine, I'm just going to miss you so much," I complain for the fifth time this week. 

"It's only for a few weeks, you were so excited about the trip with your dad." 

"Not really." I admit. 

"Really, I thought you would love the idea of hanging out with him," He asks, surprisingly. 

He's right but the more I hang out with Azrail, the more I don't care for the old man. 

I need therapy. 

"Yeah but let's be honest, the more he keeps ignoring me, the more I want nothing to do with him." 

"I'm sorry that you have to go through that angel," He mutters, kissing me on the cheek. 

"It's cool I plan on going to therapy to help, I'll be fine." 

"Why don't you go to therapy now?" 

"I don't want my parents to be on my nerve at the moment, plus I have a lot of things to do." 

He pulls me into a deep kiss. I smile into it, letting out a breath of relief. 

I didn't want to really tell Azrail that the reason why I haven't gone to therapy is because so far he's been the only therapist I need. When I'm with him, he fills me up with joy. I feel accepted, needed, and valued. 

But that's dependency and I don't want him to know that. 

"I have a confession to make angel," 

"What is it?" I ask sitting up, his face becoming red. 

"I'm obsessed with you." He says bluntly, now it was my turn for my cheeks to get hot. 


"It's becoming unhealthy angel, I'm ready to kill for you, just say the word." 

Not this again. 

"I appreciate it Azrail, but you don't need to kill Blake for me." I mentioning, knowing exactly what he was referring to. 

"I won't have any regrets, believe me angel," He mutters softly, his eyes held no emotions. 

Ever since that incident, something changed with Azrail. He has this murderous look in his eyes,  all because he wants to protect me. 

"Azrail, you're a human, you might believe that, but you still have morals." 

"Believe me angel," he starts off, kissing my hand. "When it comes to protecting you and your safety, I have no morals."

Oh, wow. 


"I love this time of year," Rosalie says smiling ear to ear. We were currently getting the final touch down on our hair, the show starts in a few hours. 

I'm nervous and excited all at once. Azrail already came by and gave me a nice bouquet of flowers, I slept over at his place last night and had to rush to mine before he woke up. 

After he brought me my bouquet of flowers, he left to get Jason and Saad since Jason's car had some issues. My mom and dad came with their own gifts, their big  gifts that everyone made a big deal about, but I liked Azrail's flowers more. 

"Same, we look so pretty." I gush, looking at my outfits. 

I really pull off clara.

"You guys look hot," A voice says interrupting us. I smile at that voice, while Rosalie blush. 

"Thank you Jason," 

He smiles giving me a single lilly and giving Rosalie a bouquet. These two are literally the cutest. 

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asks with a big smile on his face. 

"Yeah right," I said rolling my eyes. "You should've ask for my permission before proposing."

Azrail chuckles at our little back and forth. After Rosalie told me about Jason's proposal, I was happy at first and then got jokingly mad because Jason never asked me permission to marry my friend. 

"Let me take you out to diner to formally apologize." He teases, putting an arm around my shoulder. 

"Hands off my girlfriend before I kill you." 

We look at Azrail in shock. His face was ice cold, and tension was thick, he was not joking. 

What is wrong with him?

Jason gives a short chuckle and raise his hand in surrounder, lighting up the mood. "She's all yours."

I smile and hug Azrail, while he says nothing. Azrail sometimes let his possessiveness out when we're alone. He has been protective and talked about hurting anyone who hurts me but never has he threatened to kill someone in public, and mean it. 

"Relax turtle," I whisper in his ear, hoping that calms him down. "He meant no harm." 

Azrail says nothing except kiss my forehead. 

"Guests please make your way to your seat, the show is about to start." Coach says over the announcement, diffusion the tension. 

"What was that?" Rosalie asks when the boy leave. 

I shrug. I wish I knew. 

"Alright ladies, time to start."

We all start to rush to our positions, preparing for the performance of the year. Not only is it the end of the year performance,  but it's also the time of year where dance agents come to start recruitment. Although I still plan to go to college, my dream to be a professional ballerina is still in the back burner. 

A prima ballerina. 

One can only dream. 

The stage light are on and the music starts, my heart starts to race. Excitement with a bit of nervousness and... fear. 

What is he doing here?


A/N I am sorry for these slow updates. 

I still love writing, but it was more of a thing I used to escape life and company but lately I have been thriving in france, enjoying school and loving my own company. I'm finally happy, so I haven't really isolated myself and used writing to cope. 

This doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep writing but it explains why these updates are so slow. 

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