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"Thanks again for coming," I tell Azrail, admiring the flowers he's given me. "It means a lot"

He hums out in response, a pink blush on his cheeks.

So cute.

"I understand why you're always late now," He mutters.

"What do you mean?"

"You're talented, it's obvious you put a lot of work into practice so it makes sense why you're late to class," He answers not breaking eye contact. "You're probably forced to leave for class."

I nod. He's not wrong, with my love of dancing and condition I never leave practice voluntarily. I'm never tired, sweaty, or sore.

"Are you sure you want to go to this party?" I asked changing the subject.

Rosalie invited us to this party, it's supposedly a small get-together after the performance. Azarail and I got to her place 10 minutes ago, we stayed in my car to talk to each other. I wasn't going to go, but Azrail said yes so I decided to tag along.

"Jason won't stop bothering me if I don't and I'm pretty much covered so why not." He says, stepping out of the car and opening my door.

"I really hope it's as lowkey as she said," I mutter, remembering the parties I used to go to before everything happened.

He takes my hand in his ad sends me a sweet smile. "Jason wouldn't make me go to a party that has too many people, don't worry."

"Does he know?"

"No, but he respects how I am without any questions."

"I like him," I giggle. "He's perfect for Rosalie."

"Just tell me when you're ready to go and we will, okay?" He says and I nod before ringing Rosalie's doorbell.

Seconds later the door swung open with a girl that looks similar to Rosalie smiling at us. Cindy, Rosalie's cousin, smile got ten times wider when her eyes lands on Azrail.

Not too much now.

"Hi, I'm Cindy." She says extending her hand towards him, ignoring me.

"He doesn't like to be touched, where's Rosalie?" I speak, pushing her to the side and entering the house, Azrail in tow.

"Basement, you guys are the last one here." She says, walking into the kitchen her eyes barely leaving Azrail.

"If I knew you were this protective, I would've befriended you a long time ago." He whispers and I roll my eyes as we go down the stairs.

"What took you guys so long?" The first person who saw us, Jason, says smirking at us. I didn't have to turn around to know that Azrail was rolling his eyes.

"I'm gonna go say hi to the girls," I tell them and walk toward Rosalie and the girls she invited to the party. "I'm surprised you kept your word."

Rosalie rolls her eyes at my teasing, "Jason made me promise, saying that he and Azrail couldn't come if I wasn't true to my word."

"So you and Jason huh?"

"What about you and Azrail?"

We both blush at each other's teasing and decide to leave it be.

I'll admit, it's obvious to the others that Azrail and I have something going on. It's natural for people to think we're dating, and not denying it allows us to keep the real secret.

I also admit that I started developing a tiny crush on him, but I doubt he feels the same way. For him, it's just an unspoken simple agreement

"You want something to drink?" Rosalie asks, pointing to the far table filled with drinks.

I shake my head. "I don't drink."

"Really, since when?" Cindy comments, slyly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question, raising a brow at her. She shrugs and walks away, a smug smile on her face.

"Ignore her, she just got broken up with." Anna, one of the girls, says giving me a sympathetic smile.


"Either do that or skinny dip."

"Or I can just not do it period."

"That's not how you play the game."

"I'll just skinny dip then," Aisha mutters, starting to take off her clothes.

"Why am I always part of a dare?" I ask Jason, taking another sip of my drink and enjoying the buzz.

The girls dared Aisha to come to kiss me or skinny dip. I don't think they heard me, but besides Aisha, they're all drunk and giggling at the dare.

"Because you're Mr. untouchable," Jason jokes. "It's a party tradition at this point."

I roll my eyes at his comment. I walk towards the group, "What's going on?"

The girls start to giggle while Aisha sigh in frustration. She was about to speak up before someone spoke for her.

"She has a question for you?"

"What's up?" I ask acting oblivious to everything.

"Yeah, can you watch my stuff while I go skinny dip?" Aisha says and I roll my eyes at her stubbornness.

"You're not going into that water naked, you'll get sick," I tell her, crossing my arms and not leaving any room for discussion.

"I have to or..."

"Or...?" I ask, cocking a brow at her.

"I need to touch you." I hide my smile, acting as if I buy into her half-truth.

"Is that all?"

She gives a small shrug. I dip my face next to hers so we can make proper eye contact. "I'm not letting you into the pool so..."

"So....?" She whispers.

"Touch me, Angel, you're the only one who can," I tell her before pulling her into a deep kiss.

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know if I'm going to regret it in the future.

I blame the alcohol. I blame the alcohol. It's all because of the alcohol nothing else.

But I know, that isn't true. I'm not even tipsy. I can blame the alcohol all I want. But deep down, I know. I know what everyone knows.

I'm infatuated with Aisha.

I want to consume her body and soul.

I want her, and will not stop until I get her.


Hi guys, how has everyone been? I miss you all and I'm sorry for not being active. I never knew Junior year of college will be this hard. I miss having a hobby and even if I haven't been on this app for months, seeing these comments from you guys make it all worth it.

I can't promise that I'm back to updating like usual but I will be uploading a chapter after this one soon because I already started writing it.

I love you guys and I hope one day, my mental health is strong enough that I can stick with a hobby that I truly love.

On another note.

How are you guys?

Feel free to rant about your life in the comment section. Make sure to use proper trigger warnings if needed.

Love you guys.


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