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"Alright class, we have 24 for days left before the performance," Coach says to us as we prepare for one last run through. 

Everyone in the class looked exhausted and ready to pass out. This is one the of the days where I'm happy that I can't relate. 

For the end of the year performance, we're doing "The Nutcracker" and I'm the sugar plum fairy. I originally wanted to be Clara but the sugar plum fairy's part is the hardest and I can do it effortlessly without being tired, so I tried out for that part. 

Once we finish our las run through and are stretching before leaving practice. Rosalie comes next to me with a big smile on her face. 

"What's the good news?" 

"Jason proposed."

"He WHAT!?" I send an apologetic smile to my coach and teammate for disturbing them. 


"And what did you say?" 


"You WHAT!?"

"Aisha, I'm 22, he's 24, there's nothing weird about that, we aren't teenagers." She says, giggling at my reaction. 

"Yeah I know, it's just that, you guys just met." 

"I know but when you know, you know, and we aren't even going to start planning the wedding until I finish with my masters, so don't worry." 

"Does that mean kids in the future?" 

"Not until I'm closer 28." 

"Congratulations," I  finally tell her, giving her a big hug. "I can't wait for when i get proposed to, in the far far future." 

Rosalie laughs at my comment. "The way Azrail looks at you, I doubt it will be that far in the future." 

"What do you mean?"

"At your Friendsgiving, he was focus on just you," She gushes. "And the way he came to Jason's place and demanded that we come to your house because have a 'bitch ass friend', his word not mind."

Wow, he really did that for me. 

I feel my cheeks flush thinking about Azrail's actions. 

"You know, I've always wanted a high school sweetheart, maybe Azrail will be it." I say. "Together forever and ever." 

"That is so delusional, I love it." I roll my eyes at Rosalie's words. 

Nothing wrong with being delusional. 


"You're late Aisha." 

"Sorry professor, I have a note." I say handing it to him.

I smile at Azrail and make my way to my seat only to trip on someone's bag and fall on my face. The class starts laughing and I feel two hands helping me up. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little embarrassed." I mumble. "Thank you, Blake." 

"Aisha go to the nurses office so they can check on you." 

"I'm fine professor, just a little fall, you can just email my parents about the incident." I tell him before walking to my sit, Azrail looking at me with worry. 

I smile at him and hold his hand. 

"I'm sorry I didn't come to help I jus-" 

"It would be too dangerous," I finish up for him, giving him a warm smile. "I'm fine turtle." 

I focus to the front of the classroom. Blake was looking at me with a look I couldn't explain, when Abigail noticed she scowls at him and makes him turn around. 


"Today, since it's the first day back from thanksgiving break and I don't want to work, you and your partners can talk about your projects or whatever. Remember the first draft is due December 10th." 

I turn to Azrail, he's still looking at me with concern in his eyes. 

"Azrail, I'm fine I promise." 

"I know it's just that," He lowers his voice. "She tripped you." 


"It was probably an accident."

"Does she know?" 

I nod. 

Just because Abigail knows about my condition doesn't mean she would intentional harm me. 


"I don't like her." 

"I don't either but what can you do, just focus on graduating." 

He nods but his cheeks was still red with anger. I squeeze them, he turns to me in shock. 

"Sorry, couldn't resist." I laugh, now his face was red with embarrassments. 

"So what do we have left to do?" 

"We have to finish the last page of our report and we're good to go," 

"Okay, I can type it all out and I'll send you the PowerPoint to look over." 

"Perfect, after that I can email it to the teacher, have him look over before the due date."

"We work well together," I comment.

"It's because I'm awesome, what are you doing later today?" 

"Practice and then homework." 

"Let's go on a date, I already planned it." He says casually, my eyes widen in shock. 

"I appreciate you turtle."

"I appreciate you too angel." 


"I was not expecting this." 

The date Azrail planned was by a river near the forest of the house we went to for our first date. There was fairy lights and everything for a picnic near the river, its breathtaking. 

"You don't like it?" 

"I love it Azrail, it's so beautiful." I gush, looking at the stars. We already had our picnic so now we're just laying down and stargazing. 

"Aisha there's something I need to tell you." 

My full name. 

"Yes turtle?" 

"You've been honest with me all of this time, and It'll be unfair for me to not tell you about my past, you deserve to know everything." 

I nod, giving him his moment. 

"This is something even my mother don't know about me." He starts and I put my hand up stopping him. 

"Azrail, you're not obligated to tell me everything now, especially something your mother doesn't know," I say softly. "We've only known each other for a few month, and trust me when I say, I won't feel any type of way if you want to keep some secrets from me." 

"But you told me about your past."

"Yes I did, but I see the scars on your back, and the emptiness in your eyes, I know your past is far more traumatic, and I want you to tell me when you want to not because you feel like you need to." 

He pulls me into a deep kiss. 

"I really do appreciate you angel," He says pulling away. 

"I appreciate you more turtle," I say pulling him back for another kiss.

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