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"It's a good thing you came to the hospital, if you ignored this it would've become an issue." The doctor says smiling at me. 

I was dehydrated, a bit malnourished, and clinically exhausted. The stress of competitions and just focusing on my relationship with Azrail and that annoying Blake, made me forget to take care of myself. 

It wasn't until I was laying with Azrail and I started feeling tired that I knew that something was wrong. I've only felt that way three times in my life, and that was when I was close to dying. 

"Did you call my parents?" I ask. 

"The nurse has contacted your guardians the minute your boyfriend brought you in the clinic, they will be here later tonight." 

"Thank you." 

The doctor smiles at me and leaves, I look at pissed off Azrail that's been standing in the corner of the hospital watching the whole process. He hasn't said a word since we stepped foot into the hospital. 

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I really am," I apologize. "I didn't mean for it to get this far." 

"Aisha," He said softly. "Baby, you can't ignore your health like this, this is very serious." 

"I know, it's just, I wasn't thinking, I know."

"You can't be so careless Aisha, you can't just write everything on a an 'I wasn't thanking' this is serious," He says, his voice getting louder and louder.

I start getting mad at him, I hate getting yelled at. "Don't you think i fucking know that Azrail, I've been told those words over and over again since I can remember." I yell back. 

"WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CARELESS THEN?" He screams back at me. The tension in the room thick, both of us fuming at each other. 

"He do have a point," A voice says interrupting us. I turn around, both of my parents staring at us. 

"Not the time daddy," I comment rolling my eyes, and Azrail says nothing except giving a bow to respect and leaving. 


It's been a week and the tension between Azrail and I are still here. He came to visit the first three days I was in the hospital, only for a few minutes to check how I was doing and nothing. 

After I got discharged, he helped me and took me home but besides that nothing. None of us apologizing and it was getting irritating. 

The winter formal was in a week and we are barely speaking to each other. I hate that I'm being stubborn but I hate that he's being stubborn too. 

Why can't he just apologize? 

"What's up with you guys?" Tessa ask, sitting next to me signalling to Azrail who went to get me food and. 

"He's mad at me for the hospitalization that happened last week," I answered with a small shrug. "And I'm mad at him for being mad at me."

"That's childish,"

"I know he is being childish," 

"No I mean you Aisha," Tessa deadpans. "You are being childish." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean Aisha, he is concerned about your health, it's not easy to be friends with someone like you."


"You know what I mean Aisha, the constant fear of losing you just like that is painful," She explains. "We don't show it, but every time we get news that you are in the hospital our heart drops, and we prepare for bad news." 

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