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Azrail has been ignoring me for three weeks now. Well, not fully ignoring me, but as a girl that gets ignored by her father, I know what he's doing. 

We meet up every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday for our projects, and he will give me a goodbye and hello hug. He always makes sure I get home safe, but besides that, nothing. He even cancelled on our Halloween plans, saying he had something to do. 

He responds to my messages instead of having a conversation. He never teases or talks to me like he used to, no more cuddles, and he never brings up the kiss. 

After the first week of his avoidance, I decided to also follow along and not bother him. After the second week, we don't text unless it's related to our project. I don't initiate hugs, and I start forcing myself to get rid of my crush. 

It's obvious he doesn't want anything to do with me, so I might as well help him.  

"What happened to your loverboy?" Tessa asks me, bringing me out of deep thought. We were both at the nail salon getting our nails done, since Tessa just started her period she used it as an excuse for us to have a spa day. 


"Azrail," She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You guys use to be close and boom, distant. What happened?"

I shrug. Not saying anything. 

"Aisha, I respect that you're reserved and want your own space but sometimes I feel like this friendship is one-sided, you listen to all my problems and help, but you never tell me anything." 

"I'm sorry Tess, it's just, I'm not use to it." I admit feeling like a terrible friend. 

"I know, and I know we've only been friends for a few months but I do appreciate our friendship and want us to grow." 

We stay silence for the rest of the appointment as I contemplate on telling Tessa the truth. 

"Azrail and I kissed," I say once we got in my car. 

Tessa gasp, before letting out a squeal. "When??" 

"The day of my performance," I say. "Everything was fine but then something happened in the assembly and he just been distance." 

"What happened?" 

I mentally scowl at myself, I said too much. 

"The crowd made him panicky and I took him outside to calm him down, and Jack caught us when we were talking and bothered us a bit." I say, telling her half the truth. 


"The young police officer, he's two years older than us and an old friend." 

Tessa bursts out laughing. I look at her in shock as she continues laughing to the point tears started to fall out of her eyes. 

"You.are.special," She says between laughs, wiping her tears. 

I look at her confused, "What?"

"It's clear that he's jealous."


"Yes, that police officer is pretty cute and probably acted very friendly towards, so of course Azrail would get jealous." 

"But I didn't flirt with him, I was focused on Azrail." 

"Boys are dumb Aisha," Tessa says. "I think you should reach out to Azrail instead of ignoring him like you're ignoring Blake."

"I'm not ignoring Blake," I comment. "He stopped talking to me so I stop talking to him, but when we see each other we're chill." 

"Mhm, sure you are." 

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Come on, don't tell me you never noticed how Blake looked at you," 

I stay silent. 

"He had a crush on you, and I bet you his new little girlfriend Abigail noticed, that's why he's been distant with you and not me." 

I cringe at that name. "But I never did anything, no was I ever attracted to Blake." 

"You're an attractive Black Woman, you don't need to do anything to be seen as a threat to these insecure girls." 

I roll my eyes at that. I appreciate Blake's friendship and all but he wasn't that important in my life for me to be depressed that we aren't close friends. 

"Does that mean Friendsgiving is cancelled?" 

"Not on my watch, we are still having it. I don't care if she get's mad," Tessa says rolling her eyes and taking pictures of her new nails. 

"So what are you going to do about Azrail?" She asks. I let out a sigh. 

"Talk to him tomorrow I guess." 

I have a feeling that his behavior is caused by something more than childish jealousy. 



Short chapter but don't worry, It's going to be a double update. 

Happy Holidays & Happy New Years lovelies x

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