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Azrail look at the girl in aw as she dances on the stage, captivating everyone around her. She truly was one of a kind. 

Watching Aisha dance put him in a trance, it felt like everything round him disappeared and time moved at a different pace. He could spend the rest of his life just watching his angel dance for him. 

"They're pretty amazing aren't they?" Jason says once the dance was over, all Azrail could do was nod, not taking his eyes off Aisha. He noticed she was more anxious than usual, her eyes darting around the audience, looking for somebody. 

Aisha was terrified, not because she's dancing in front of hundreds of people, she didn't even care about the recruiters watching her on stage, she was more worried about her abuser in the audience. 

Not only was he here, he was here with Rosalie's cousin, Cindy, and both of them was looking at her, with a smirk on their stupid faces. She felt like she was going to physically hurl on stage, why couldn't he left her alone. 

Aisha's eyes finally lend on Azrail and she felt relief flash over her finally a bit of peace. Azrail smile at his girl, giving her a thumbs up before she starts dancing again. 

Throughout the last few scenes of the performance Aisha's eyes stayed on Azrail. Azrail's heart melt at that small gesture, he realized that Aisha was nervous and her looking at him is her way of staying calm. The thing is, he can't seem to figure out why she was so nervous. 

Azrail was the first to clap once the performance ended making Aisha's face heat up. Everyone else cheers on as the dancers bow. Azrail stays back as families rush to hug the performers, Azrail notice Aisha sneaking out the back away from everyone else. 

Azrail follows quietly. Since everyone was outside the dressing room was quiet. 

"Angel," Azrail says silently, making his way to her and pulling her into a hug. "You were wonderful." 

Aisha melts into the hug, not saying anything. Debating whether or not to tell Azrail the truth because she knows deep down, he might actually kill for her. She tries to deny it but the more and more they spend time together, the more she sees how protective he is of her. 

And she was right, from the years of accidental deaths, Azrail have slowly started to become numb to death and would do anything it takes to protect Aisha. If his curse, is a gift like his vision told him that one time, might as well use it to protect the one he love. 

"What's wrong?" He asks Aisha when she didn't respond to his compliment. 

"Nothing, just enjoying the silence with you." She mumbles, but he didn't believe her. 

"Aisha," Azrail warns. "I know when you're lying, tell me what's wrong."

Before Aisha could say anything, a group of people came interrupting us. 

"You did amazing sweetheart." Aisha's mother says, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. Aisha's father gives her a kiss on the cheek, nothing else. 

"You really did, both of you guys." Jason beams, complimenting Aisha and kissing Rosalie who was already in his arms. 

"I overheard coach talking to the recruiters girl, and your name was mentioned." Rosalie says sending a small wink to Aisha making the girl let out a squeal. 

"Really??" Aisha says jumping up and down with glee. Aisha's mom hug her while her dad says nothing but watch the scene, looking at his wife and daughter fondly. 

"I'll be waiting for you ladies in the car," Aisha's dad spoke up. "Our dinner reservation is in an hour." 

"Can Azrail come?" Aisha asks her father shyly, he says nothing. 

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