Chapter 4

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Riley's pov

Once again, I found myself spending the day in the library after my outing yesterday with Grams. She still wouldn't tell me about that book I found, which made me even more curious than I already was. When I walked into the library, I immediately went to check the desk drawer to find the book but it wasn't there. Nor was it in any other desk drawer and it wasn't sitting on the desk either, which got me wondering where the hell it could have gone. Sighing in defeat after spending 20 minutes of trying to find it, I settled on picking up another book to read. But it seemed as soon as I was settled in on the lounge chair across from the shelf with a book, I heard a loud thump. I looked up from my book, my eyes finding themselves glued to the floor. "What the-?" I marked the page I was on, closing the book in my hands and placed it down on the chair as I stood up. I looked around for a moment, hoping Grams or Pop Pop wouldn't come in at this exact moment. When I was sure they weren't coming, I bent down and picked up the heavy book brushing off the hard cover. This book was only serving to make me more curious and I knew that if I went to Pop Pop or Grams with this book and confronted the two of them about, I have a feeling that they would scold me for not listening to them about not touching it. I had a strange feeling that they would not want me to know about this book at all, which only made me more curious. So to satisfy my curiosity, I decided that I would not confront them about the book. I was going to have to sneak into the library when they weren't home and check it out myself, I was not going to let this go. My mother always said that I had a knack for letting my curiosity get the better of me, sometimes I proved her to be right.

"Riley!!" I heard fast footsteps approaching the library, I quickly hid the book behind my back and took a step back towards the shelf. I tried to look as normal as possible so that Grams wouldn't catch me with the book again, no doubt she would be angry and would be disappointed in me for not listening to her. I did not want her to be angry with me for letting my curiosity get the better of me, so I tried to play it cool. I got myself ready and smiled when Grams briskly walked into the library, a smile adorning her face. "I knew I'd find you in here." She said, I noticed that she looked dressed up for some occasion. "Yeah, you know me. Your bookworm of a granddaughter cannot resist spending her time in this beautiful and large library." I chuckled nervously, hoping she wouldn't notice that I was hiding something, Grams just laughed at my small joke.

"Was there something you called me for?"

"Oh right, yes." She waved her hand, as she shook her head seeming to remember what she was going to tell me. "Your Grandfather and I have a dinner with a few old friends to go, so I fixed your favorite and wrapped it up. It is in the fridge for you to eat, if you feel hungry. You just make yourself comfortable and we'll be back by 12 at the latest." She informed me, looking at her watch before looking back up at me. "Alright, I'll be sure to eat in a little bit. All this reading has got me hungry. And you two, stay out of trouble." I joked, making her laugh as she turned and walked out the room. "I make no promises." I chuckled at her response, rolling my eyes and waved goodbye as she left.

"Be safe, Little Bug. We'll back soon. We love you!" Pop Pop called from downstairs, "Love you too, Pop Pop and Grams." I called out, smiling to myself. When I heard the front door close and lock, I peered out the window and watched as they got in their car and drove off. Knowing that I would have time to investigate the book, I pulled the book from behind my back and stared down at it. "Alright, let's see what's in here." I took a deep breath, readying myself for whatever was to come. When I opened the book, I noticed that the page was blank which caught me off guard.

"What the? Why is it blank?" I panicked, flipping through more pages until I finally got to one page, there were words which sounded like they would come from Harry Potter. "Incentundis Vilori." I sounded out, "What the hell?" The book in my hands suddenly started glowing, letting out a bright yellow light. I panicked, dropping the book to the floor and began to back away from it. Whatever words I just recited, obviously made the book either very angry or woke it up. I continued backing up but it was no use as a powerful force dragged me closer and closer to book, I let out a scream as I was then sucked in causing everything to go black.

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