Chapter 3

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3rd person's POV

The birds chirped loudly, the wind blowing a nice breeze as the sun shined brightly above the forest. Many woodland creatures were out and about, chattering amongst themselves and searching for food. The vast green forest was a lively one, something was always happening there. The forest was humble, luminous, and lush. Its canopy was ruled by hemlock, fir, and cypress, and rays of light bursting through their crowns allowed for a collection of herbs to grow in the boulder covered grounds below. Coiling vines grasped most trees, and an array of flowers, which grew dispersed and sparingly, added colorful variety to the otherwise jade landscape. This forest was not just filled with ordinary woodland creatures, there were far more dangerous creatures that lived here in the Forest Of Selmfeild. This forest stretched along several kilometers and stood on the outskirts of a large town, which bustled with life and all kinds of species. Trekking through this large lush, green forest were three young men who were traveling back towards their home. They lived in two story cabin, which was stationed on the outskirts of a large town named Irli, home to many powerful mages and warriors. The cabin had been built several years ago, using the strongest wood known to man in the world of Ebonrealm. The three young men weren't the only ones to live in this cabin though, there were four others that lived together. All of them being soulmates, all of them living in somewhat harmony which made life smooth. Although, they hardly stayed at home. All seven of the young men were adventurers, they loved traveling from place to place and discovering new things. But it was also a job that they did as well, especially for those who couldn't travel to get the things that were needed. Many people from the town came to them for various jobs, hoping that they could retrieve the things that they could possibly get. At the moment, only a few of the young men had traveled across the country to fulfill a job while a few others went in search of something else. Only two members of the seven had stayed at the cabin, waiting for the others to get back from where they traveled. Even though, they were happy to have all seven, they still felt incomplete. They could tell that they were still missing someone, which is why three of the seven went in search for their last soulmate. The three that had gone searching were disappointed that they hadn't been able to find their missing soulmate, they knew that the last one was a girl and that she was going to be someone important not just to them but to the world as well. After all, the seven of them had been told that their female soulmate was part of a well known prophecy, one that could make things better for their world or possibly destroy it. This prophecy was already starting to affect the world of Ebonrealm, as in the town of Reihart about two nights ago experienced an attack and most of the town was destroyed. The news of the attack had spread to several cities just a miles away from Reihart, which was now making it's way into the town of Irli. Though none of the three traveling young men had heard about this yet, they had been so busy and caught up in their adventure they were hardly paying attention to any news about other towns and cities.

"Damn, I was really hoping we would have found her while we were there.." The third youngest member of the group spoke, disappointment written all over his handsome face as they walked. "I know.. I was hoping that too." The first one sighed, brushing his thick, luscious dark brown hair back with his fingers. He was carrying a crossbow on his back, a map tucked neatly in his hands. "Guys, keep your head up. I'm sure that she'll show up soon enough we just have to stay diligent in our search and not give up hope. Besides.. She's said to be not of this world." The second one spoke up, his curly black hair flowing freely in the wind.

"You think that she'll be just like the prophecy said? That's she's not just from another world outside of our own, but that she's the one who could either save us or destroy us all?" The third one spoke, his brown eyes lifting up to look at the other two. "Yes, I think she will be like the prophecy said. But we have no clue if she's going to be our destruction and we can't think that she will. She's our soulmate, even if she turns out to be our destruction, so be it. I'd rather lose my home than lose my soulmate." The second one spoke up, the first young man stopped his tracks, causing the second young man to nearly bump into his back. He slightly turned his head to look back, "You have a point there but at the same time, I doubt everyone other than the rest of us would see it that way. I don't think that the people of Ebonrealm would be pleased with our decision to side with our soulmate who could destroy our world." The first one stated, "I know, hyung. But.. Who cares what they will think? I know it's wrong to think that way and just ignore the lives of many to side with our soulmate but.. Wouldn't most people pick their soulmate's side if they were in that kind of position?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the oldest of the three. The first young man sighed heavily, shaking his head as he looked down at his fingers. He then turned back around, "They would.. Some wouldn't as they would feel that stopping the destruction of the world is something that only they can do and they would rather the ones to do it before anyone else did. So that nobody else would go up against their soulmate.." He began walking away, the other two to look at one another.

"Hyung, wait up!"

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