Chapter 7

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3rd person's POV

"Riley!!! Riley, sweetheart!" Riley's grandparents just arrived home, Pop Pop going up to find Riley as he wanted to say goodnight to her. It was something that he was looking forward to since he hadn't been able to do it in years, first he thought to check a place where he knew she most likely would have fallen asleep. He checked the library, thinking that she must have fallen asleep in there while reading a book. It had become a habit when she was growing up for her to fall asleep in the library, it always made him smile when he had to carry her to bed after she had fallen asleep reading. He walked over to the library, opening the door and walked in only to find it completely empty. This was something new to him, she was always there late whenever she stayed over at their house. "Odd... She's usually in here. Where did she go? Is she already in her room?" Pop Pop looked around the library, hoping to see her when he spotted a book on the floor. He walked over to it, hoping it wasn't the one book that he had hidden in this library for nobody to find. However his hope flew out the window when his eyes landed on the thick black cover of the book, he bent down slightly and picked it up. The thick black book feeling slightly heavier than he remembered, he hadn't held this book in a while. "Why is this book on the floor? There's no way she could have found it so easily, I hid it very well in here. She couldn't have found it unless...." His eyes widened, his heart dropping into his stomach as he realized what this meant.

"Oh, dear heavens, no!" He shouted loudly, becoming worried for his granddaughter, who he knew was now stuck in this book. "Darling, what's the matter? Why'd you shout?" Grams asked, rushing into the library. She hadn't heard her husband raise his voice in such a manner since they were much younger, when he was still fighting his own battles with this book. Pop pop turned to his wife, the book still held tightly in his hands. "She found the book." Grams looked down and sighed, "I should have hidden it away better." Grams shook her head, crossing her arms as she looked down at the book. She had a feeling that Riley could have possibly been sucked into this book, "Wait, you mean to tell me that she found the book before?" He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and anger, "She found it yesterday. I caught her before she could even open the book and I told her not to touch it again. Then I hid it in the desk drawer, she must have known that's where I would put it." Grams explained, "You didn't tell her anything about the book and our history, right?" He looked his wife in the eyes, "I didn't." She shook her head, "When I came in here, the book was on the floor. And it was open." Gram looked down at the book, gasping lightly. "You don't think..." She trailed off, her eyes shifting down to the book. "She must have read the incantation. Not everyone can see it, only those who the book wants to see it. It must mean that Riley has her own journey to go through in their realm, one that she's got to do on her own. There is nothing we can do about this now, we can only hope that she comes back to us alive." He sighed, gripping the thick book tightly. "And what if she finds her soulmates there? We both know that she is fated to more than one young man. What if she finds them there and doesn't want to come back?" Grams looked up at her husband, on the verge of tears. "I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know." He pulled his wife into a hug, silently praying that their granddaughter would be okay in this new world she found herself stuck in.


A young man with dark brown hair sat underneath a lush green tree, reading a spell book and just enjoying the little peace and quiet he had. Birds chirped in the distance, their melodies blending with the rustling of leaves in the wind. Everything seemed so peaceful and it was a nice change for Yoongi as he and his partners, Jin and Namjoon had been busy trying to help a town defend themselves against two giants. They had managed to track one down and take it down but the other one had somehow escaped the trio and now they had to figure where the giant went. Yoongi's dark brown hair lightly flowed in the wind, his hazel eyes trained on the book in his hands. His crossbow sat perched up against the tree next to him, the arrows in the quiver sitting right next to it. Each of them had different colored feathers on the ends, signaling that each arrow he carried in that quiver was very different from the others that were in there. Just as he turned to the next page, a loud thumping sound was heard from nearby, heading towards where the young man was sitting. Yoongi sighed, looking up from his book as he could hear yelling in the distance. "Namjoon, what is going on out there?" Yoongi asked, Namjoon's hair flowed in the wind as a breeze passed by. He pulled a pair of binoculars out as he climbed to the top of the large green tree, leaves falling onto Yoongi as Namjoon moved through the tree. He leaned on a branch, breaking through the top of the bushes at the top of the tree. He took a look through the binoculars, his eyes focusing on the commotion in the distance.

Jin sprinted through the field, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. The giant was close behind him, its footsteps shaking the ground with each step. Jin could feel its hot breath on his back as it swung a massive arm at him. He dove to the side and scrambled back to his feet, dodging another attack. He held out his hand, flipping over as he threw a energy blast at the giant. It hit the giant directly in the face, making him even more angrier than he already was. He slammed down his large club, causing Jin to dive out of the way and panic slightly. "Hyung, Jin Hyung found the giant!! They're coming this way and Jin Hyung looks like he needs help." Namjoon relayed, looking down through the tree at Yoongi. Yoongi marked the page he was reading, he closed the book and placed it in his bag. He stood to his feet, grabbing his crossbow and quiver and prepared an arrow on the notch. "Namjoon, get down here. We're taking the giant down before it kills him." Namjoon threw the binoculars down the tree, it perfectly landed on Yoongi's bag. Namjoon then jumped down from the tree, landing perfectly on his feet behind Yoongi. "What attack are we exactly going for, Hyung?" He asked, pulling out the sword that had been specially made for him.

Just when he thought he couldn't run any further, he saw Yoongi and Namjoon up ahead. They were standing together, their eyes fixed on the giant running behind their oldest soulmate. Both young men knew that Jin could handle himself but at the same time, they all had seen the destruction these giants had caused. Jin continued running towards the two, knowing that they were ready to help him out. Jin turned his head, diving to the side again and threw another magical ball of energy at the giant. Yoongi was ready with his crossbow to attack the giant, he eyed his target, clearing his mind completely. Without hesitation, the two of them quickly sprang into action. Yoongi let loose an arrow that struck the giant in the shoulder, causing it to roar in pain. Namjoon charged forward, swinging his sword with all his might. Jin dove to the side as a powerful wave of ice and electricity came out of Namjoon's sword, hurtling towards the giant who had placed his large bat in front of him to stop the attack. The ice and electricity clashed together, the bat and magic colliding and split the bat in half. The giant flew back as Yoongi let loose another arrow, this one hitting the giant in the knee. The giant screamed in pain as Jin managed to roll in front of the two, taking a defensive stance. He let out a loud battle cry as he swung his claymore down, releasing a large wave of yellow electricity and fire, the two swirling into one attack and hit the giant finally killing it.

Jin slid his claymore into the sheath on his hip, as Namjoon snapped his fingers and his sword disappeared. Yoongi let out a sigh of relief, unloading the arrow notched in his crossbow and placed it back in his quiver. He slung his crossbow across his body, letting it hang behind him. "Finally, we can go home." He said. Yoongi grabbed his bag, he placed the binoculars in his bag and turned to Jin and Namjoon. "Let's go tell those townspeople they no longer have to worry about those giants and they can live peacefully." Jin looked at Yoongi and Namjoon, the two happy to finally be done with this job.

"Something tells me that we should get home as soon as possible. I can feel that Hoseok hyung and the others have something that they are excited about. And it seems it has something to do with our missing soulmate." Namjoon pushed his hand through his dark colored hair, his brown eyes meeting Jin's. "How do you know that?" Jin quirked an eyebrow at Namjoon, looking at him in confusion. "Ah, Hyung.. You know I pay super close attention to our soul wavelength and bond. The four of them are really happy right now and I feel someone else is responsible for it and that someone might be our missing soulmate." Namjoon explained, "Right, I forgot you have that special insight." Yoongi said, crossing his arms. "Come on, let's get going back into town." The three walked off, feeling free and happy with taking down the giants.

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