Chapter 13

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3d person's pov

When Riley stormed off from the table, everyone could feel her heart breaking. Taehyung immediately got up from the table, quickly throwing on his shoes and rushed out the door to follow Riley. Jimin sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. Jungkook leaned against the table, staring at the front door just waiting for Taehyung to bring Riley back. "I shouldn't have said that.." Yoongi sighed, looking down at the table. "No, it's something that she needed to know. We don't know for sure why they lied to her but I know this much, they didn't want her to come here because they wanted to keep her safe." Jin said, "Hyung's right. But now that she is here, it's our job to protect her. We have no way of getting her back to her realm, even if she wanted to go back.." Hoseok spoke up, "We didn't tell you before but just before you guys arrived, Riley had a nightmare." Jimin chimed in, "A nightmare?" Jin questioned, looking confused. "Yeah.. The thing is.. We don't believe it was simply just a nightmare she had. We think she had a vision." Jungkook said. "Riley has visions?" Yoongi looked at the three of them in surprise, "Yeah, we think so. And we believe her powers are awakening." Hoseok tapped Jungkook, motioning for him to get the game board that Taehyung had stored away. They decided to keep it so that they could show it to Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon when they returned. Jungkook got up from the table and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the game board which was hidden underneath the sink cabinet.

"Powers? What are you talking about?" Namjoon looked confused as well, "The first day that we all met Riley, we decided to get to know her better so we asked questions. And to pass the time, we played a board game. When it was her turn to roll the dice, she accidentally blew up the game board and some of the pieces." Jungkook returned from the kitchen, placing the destroyed game board in front of Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. All three young men looked in shock, staring at the board as they just couldn't believe their eyes. "She really does have powers..." Jin mumbled, running his fingers over the charred game board. He never realized that their soulmate could possibly have powers though the thought has crossed his mind at least once. "Yes, which is why we're going to have to help her adjust to this world. I believe that she may have been born with these powers, possibly something Arthur passed down to her and they could have possibly been dormant. I think when she crossed over, her coming here is what awakened them." Jimin explained, "Oh dear... Riley must be really frightened." Namjoon sighed, "Yeah, she is. But she'll get through it. She has us." Jungkook said, he placed a hand on top of Jin's hand. Jin looked up at the young man, a small smile playing on his lips. "That she does, Kook. That she does."

"What was in that vision Riley had?" Yoongi looked to Hoseok and Jungkook, "She didn't tell us.." Jungkook shook his head, "But she did tell me." Everyone looked at Jimin, "What? When?" Hoseok asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Just before we sat down for lunch. When they were settling in, I noticed that she had gone off to be alone. So I went to check on her and I found her in her room. She was trying to go to sleep.. But she couldn't, what she saw frightened her so much that she couldn't close her eyes. She felt comfortable telling me what she saw." Jimin explained.

"What did she see, Jimin?"

"A dragon." Jimin started, "She saw the town getting attacked by a large dragon."

"And where were we?" Namjoon asked.

"We were all split up, evacuating people to safety all around town. She was in town and she came across a young boy who was lost.. So she went to help him. She told me that she heard Jin hyung and I yelling for her to run, to get out of there but when she looked up that dragon was headed straight for her. She had no time to run. That's when she woke up screaming." Jimin finished explaining, "The last thing she saw was the dragon's attack headed straight for her." Jungkook placed his head in his hands and rubbed his face, "Hyung, does this mean anything to you?" Namjoon turned to Yoongi, who was thinking about the interpretation of the vision. "Dragons are usually an omen of something good or bad, it depends on the people who see them.. This dragon.. It sounds like we might just have to fight it. When that might be.. I don't know but we should prepare for it." Yoongi said, making the others sit up in alert. "Do you think Tae found her?" Hoseok asked, "Knowing Taehyung he definitely has. He might just be giving her the space she needs, I can still feel her anger."

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