Chapter 10

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Hoseok's pov

With all of the panic over the nightmare that Riley had just woken up from, I could feel Namjoon's panic and I could tell he was nearby. Taehyung, Jimin and I had stepped out of the room to give Riley some space. Jungkook decided to stay with her and she didn't mind his company, this made the three of us less worried about her reaction. "Hyung, how do we handle this? If she's having visions like Yoongi Hyung then things are going to get increasingly harder for her to adjust here." Taehyung said, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Poor Riley, all of this is just hitting her at once..." Jimin rubbed his face with his hands, letting out a sigh. "I know, Tae. I know. We're going to have to train her the same way Yoongi hyung trained. It's the only way we can possibly control the visions." I ran my fingers through my hair, brushing a few strands out of my face.

"Yeah, I think that's the best option. Especially if we want to be able to help Riley adjust to this realm."

"Do you think that her visions could be apart of the prophecy?" Jimin looked at me, his question caught me off guard but I took a moment to think about how to answer that question. "I don't know, Jimin. I really don't know. We'll have to talk to Yoongi hyung and Namjoon about it. Yoongi hyung is an expert by now on visions and what they mean and Namjoon is an expert on anything dealing with our prophecy. Hell, he can even decrypt some of the really old text just by looking at it. I'm sure we'll figure it out, so we shouldn't worry too much. For now, we just need to focus on Riley. She-" I was cut short when our front door was thrown open, Taehyung, Jimin and I looked at the doorway and saw Namjoon standing there, panting heavily and looking flushed from running. He probably ran here when he felt Riley's panic through the soulmate bond, "Hyung!! You're back!!" In a flash, he was tackled by both Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon hit the floor with a resounding thud, laughing and groaning from the pain. I let out a loud laugh, feeling relieved to see that Namjoon was unharmed. I was somewhat worried about the three of them taking this job on, especially because Giants weren't the easiest creatures to take down. Most people end up gravely injured or end up dead trying to take them down. I know they can handle themselves very well, we all had been training together from the time we met one another but I still worry over their wellbeing.

"Yah, Namjoon-ah! I told you to slow down." A smile came onto my face as Jin and Yoongi appeared in the doorway, both of them panting heavily. Jin's brown hair was slightly disheveled and the bag he carried on his back looked heavy, like he had a lot in there. Looks like they ran after Namjoon when he took off, he has a habit of doing that. The two of them looked up and spotted Namjoon laying on the floor just inches away from the front door with Jimin and Taehyung laying on top of him. It made me even more relieved to see that Jin and Yoongi hyung were both alright, none of them suffered any injuries during their job. Yoongi looked slightly disheveled but more annoyed at Namjoon for taking off so suddenly, which I don't blame him.

"You guys made it back, I thought you wouldn't be here until late in the afternoon." I spoke up, "Yeah, we almost would have if Namjoon hadn't stopped those merchants from stopping us every four steps while trying to leave." Yoongi shrugged, placing his bag down as he took off his shoes. I noticed that his bag looked and sounded just as heavy as Jin's, just what was in there?

"So, how did your job go?" Jimin asked, standing to his feet. He threw his arms around Yoongi and Jin, pulling the two into a large hug. Yoongi reluctantly hugged him back and Jin smiled, happy to return the hug. "It was hectic. Those giants were not easy to get rid of." Jin explained, as he closed the front door behind him and placed his bag down.

"I bet."

"How much did they pay you guys for the job?" Taehyung asked, Jin reached into his bag and pulled out a small coin bag, he then tossed it over to me. I caught it with ease and opened it, gasping as I was genuinely surprised to see what had been given. I reached in, pulling out two gems. Both were ones that I recognized, Taehyung came over to check it out. "Wah... They gave you Cyan Kamrozincite gems and Jenpurite gems and paid you three 3,400 quid?!!" Taehyung looked up at Jin and Yoongi, "Yeah, those giants had been wreaking havoc on that small town for over two months. So when we showed up and told them they didn't have to worry anymore about the giants, they gave us those. And we would have been late today because after leaving the first town where our job was, we ended in another one and stayed the night at an Inn. And we set out to leave this morning," Jin explained, "We got bombarded with merchants of all kinds, stopping us every four steps to talk, sell or give us something. It was annoying." Yoongi finished explaining, "Really? Did any of them talk to you, hyung?" I asked and looked at Yoongi. "No. They were all too intimidated by his facial expressions to even get close to him. It was really only Jin hyung and I they stopped." Namjoon explained, "That must have been so crazy." I shook my head, "So.." Namjoon started, "Why did the soul mate bond feel different? Why does it feel complete?" He asked, Taehyung and Jimin chuckled and blushed as they looked back at me. "Because I found our missing soulmate. I found her passed out in the woods near here as I was coming back from my last job." I explained. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi all looked at me with shock and excitement. "What was she doing out in the woods alone?" Jin asked, looking concerned.

"To be honest with you, I don't know. But I figured out that she is also the same soul mate that we are bound to have, the one from the prophecy." I added, "What?!" Namjoon shouted, "Will you keep it down?!!" I hissed, "Why? Is she here?" Jin asked, "Yes, Hobi hyung brought her home with him. She's so beautiful and lovely and cute." Jimin smiled, "What is with all the noise out here?" I looked over to my right as Jungkook came out of Riley's room with Riley hiding behind him. I noticed that she was holding his arm, she still looked shaken up from the vision she had and it seemed that Jungkook served as some sort of comfort to her. He was the first one she saw when she woke up from her nightmare, I felt a small pang of jealousy but I quickly brushed it aside.

"Ah, hyungs!! You're home!!" Jungkook beamed, he moved away from Riley's grasp causing her to slightly tense up. "Hi, Kook." Namjoon greeted, as Jungkook pulled all three of them into a large hug. "Your job go okay?" He asked, pulling back from them.

"Yeah, although Jin hyung was chased by the last giant and nearly squashed to death." Yoongi teased.

"Hey, I was not nearly squashed nor was I being chased." Jin argued, "Then what were you doing if you weren't being chased?" Namjoon quirked an eyebrow at him, "I was simply luring him over to you and Yoongi. I figured that you could handle it after I took out the first two." Jin pointed his hand, Jimin and I let out a laugh as we could see his ears turn red. "Hmm." Yoongi nodded, crossing his arms. The laughter died down when Namjoon looked over at Riley, the two of them making eye contact with each other. "Whoa..." Namjoon exclaimed, Jin and Yoongi looked in his direction and the two of them froze in their spots, Jin blushed as his eyes made contact with Riley.

"Riley," Jimin walked over to her, he grabbed her hand softly as I got off the chair and walked over to the two of them. "This is Jin Hyung, he's the oldest of us eight." Jimin pointed to Jin, "Hello, Riley. Wow, even your name is beautiful. It's nice to finally meet you." Riley blushed at Jim's comment, "It's nice to meet you too, Jin." Riley said softly, Jin only blushed as he looked at her. I could tell that even though he hardly knew her, he was already smitten for her. It rang true for all three of them, "Then this is Yoongi hyung, he's the second oldest." Yoongi gave her a gummy smile, making my heart melt. "Hi Riley," He greeted, "Hi Yoongi." She blushed, I could tell that she wanted to call him adorable.

"Ooh, hyung's blushing." Jungkook teased, pointing at Yoongi's cheeks. Yoongi only slapped Jungkook's hand away from his face, looking away from all of us while we laughed at his reaction.

"And lastly, this is Namjoon hyung. He's actually the youngest of the hyung line. He's older than Tae and I by a year." Namjoon said nothing and instead walked over to Riley, who panicked slightly. And without saying anything else, he pulled her into a large hug just as Taehyung did when he first met her. "I'm so glad that we finally get to meet you, Riley. You were the only thing missing from us this entire time and now.. Now, I feel whole. Thank you." Namjoon spoke softly, Riley hesitated for a moment and looked at Jimin, who nodded her. She wrapped her arms around him and it seemed that once she fully accepted his hug, she could feel our bond. "Me too. I feel whole too." She whispered, she closed her eyes and gave into the hug. Jimin looked at me and I smiled, pulling him into me as I smiled at Namjoon and Riley.

I have a feeling that things are only going to get crazier and more fun around here now that all eight of us have finally united together.

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