Chapter 22

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3rd person's pov

The next day had been pretty busy for Namjoon and Yoongi, they started doing research on the giants and the village they had rescued. Yoongi wanted to know what provoked such an attack and Namjoon was just as curious, so he decided to help find information. Something that Yoongi was also looking into was the dragon, he had been able to get a few scales from the dragon's skin just before it was completely done away with. Namjoon had done sketches of the dragon, placing the entry in his notebook and spellbook so that if they should ever encounter one again, they know what to do. "Is that the dragon's teeth?" Taehyung tapped the small glass bottle lightly, his brown eyes trained on the tooth floating in liquid. "Yes, it is." Namjoon took the bottle from him, placing it down on the table in front of him. He sat back down, sliding his reading glasses onto his face as he started flipping through the pages of a large brown leather bound book. Across from him was where Yoongi had previously been sitting, his work area neatly cleaned and organized. Taehyung leaned on the table, watching Namjoon read. "Is there a reason you are so interested in what I'm doing?" Namjoon asked, not lifting his eyes from the text. "Jin hyung told me to watch over you and Yoongi hyung." Taehyung answered, biting his lip as he passed his hand through his hair. Namjoon sighed with exasperation, annoyed with Jin's concern. He always had a tendency to get wrapped up in his work, so much so that Jin would usually have to drag Namjoon out of the room physically. Or he would send one of the maknaes to bother him until Namjoon left the room on his own volition.

"Look, I don't need a babysitter. You can go." Namjoon said.

"Hyung, I know you don't need a babysitter. But Jin hyung was very adamant about me staying to keep an eye on you." Taehyung said, making Namjoon scoff. "You don't need to follow his orders." Nanjoon stated, "Yeah about that.. I kinda do." Namjoon looked up at Taehyung, quirking an eyebrow at him. "And why is that?" He asked, "Because he threatened to take away my sword lessons with Kook and Jiminie if I didn't." Taehyung crossed his arms, Namjoon sighed heavily and put his face in his hands.

"Oh hyung, don't be so annoyed. Jin hyung is just worried about you." Taehyung walked around the table, patting Namjoon on the shoulder. "Yeah, I get it. But who we really should be worried about is Riley and whoever sent that dragon after her." Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair, "Speaking of Riley, what is she doing right now?" He lifted his eyes from his book to look at Taehyung, "She's learning how to conjure up her powers.. Although, when you really think about it.. We don't know what kind of powers she really has." Taehyung sat down beside Namjoon on a stool, "Who's teaching her?"

"That would be Jimin hyung.." Taehyung looked around the table and noticed something, "Hey, where did Yoongi hyung go?"

"He went looking for answers." Was all Namjoon said.


Yoongi had trekked to the one shop in their town that had a lot of information on what he was looking for, the giants that had attacked the town they had previously protected. He wondered what made the giants so angry as most giants are docile, they only attack if someone or something threatens their safety. The shop was filled with an array of curious objects, from glowing crystals to dusty spellbooks. Yoongi's eyes scanned the shelves, searching for something elusive. A faint aroma of incense lingered in the air, adding to the mystical ambiance. Yoongi shook his head as he heard something falling over and heard someone muttering curse words, he knew that this person was probably trying to invent something. He chuckled to himself as he walked over to the counter, passing by shelves filled with spell books and potion books. He tapped the bell, which let out a loud ring and was met with a shout, "Just a second!!" He heard more stuff falling over and cursing, making Yoongi chuckle some more. Out of the chaos, the curtain was moved and out popped a young blonde man. His green eyes became bright as he saw who was standing on the other side of his counter, "Yoongi!!" He exclaimed, "Hey Clark." Yoongi smiled, "I heard a rumor that you and your other soulmates found your last soulmate and it's a girl. Congratulations. Are those rumors true?" Clark smiled, "Thanks. Yes, the rumors are true." Yoongi chuckled, blushing as he thought about Riley. "Ooh, look at you blushing. I can tell she's a special one if she's got you blushing like that." Clark teased, "Yeah, she really is something special. Hoseok found her when he was coming back from his last job." Yoongi explained, "Well, I'm glad that you all are finally complete. But I have a feeling that you didn't come here to catch up, am I right?"

"That you are."

"What can I do for you?" Clark asked, he had been friends with Yoongi for a good while after Yoongi first moved to town. He had been his best supporter and customer since he got him information on some mission he was on long ago.

"I need some information on about this job I took last week with my soulmates. We had to take down two giants who attacked a small town south of here."

"Oh yeah, i heard about that. What is it that you're looking for exactly?"

"I need to know if there were any outside sources that possibly could have provoked the giants to attack that town. Is there a relationship between them?" Yoongi watched as Clark flipped through his notebook, "No, there isn't. That town stayed far away from the giants in the area. There are no known reports about those giants attacking the town since before this latest incident." Clark looked up from the book, "If there's no bad blood between the town and the giants.. What could have provoked them?" Yoongi quipped, thinking for a moment. "A warlock." Clark stated, "They are powerful enough to posses other supernatural creatures and they have an immense amount of power to provoke even the most docile person to commit a heinous crime. That would be the only plausible explanation."

"You're right.." Yoongi trailed off, "A warlock is also powerful enough to conjure up a dragon or to at least put one under their spell. Which would mean that it could be a warlock after Riley." He thought.

"Do you have a map of the area beyond the giants forest?"

Clark held up a finger and reached underneath his counter, pulling out a folder which had been labeled maps. He flipped through the pages, looking for one and found the one Yoongi needed. "Here it is. This is the most current and up to date map of that entire area." He handed the map to Yoongi, "Thanks, I'll bring this back in a few days." Yoongi said, reaching into his pocket to pay. "No, it's on the house. Just figure out whether it's a warlock or not. The townsfolk are thinking that it could have been a warlock that summoned that Mystic Howler here to attack the town." Clark said, his smile dropping from his face. "Yeah.. Thanks." With that Yoongi waved goodbye to Clark and headed out of the store, his next stop was to pick up some potions.

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