Chapter 16

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Yoongi's pov

When I saw the vision that Riley and some child were being attacked by the dragon, I became very concerned. I was surprised to see a barrier around Riley and the kid, there was no way those three could have conjured up that barrier. Which proves what Hoseok told us earlier, Riley does have powers and she's going to need a lot of help controlling them. Even with Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung being there to stop the dragon from getting Riley and the kid she's with, this one is too powerful for just the three of them. To be honest, I worried that this dragon might be too strong for all seven of us. Though with us now becoming eight, our powers might have grown much more. I had heard in stories before that when soulmates find one another, their powers grow stronger because the bond is strong. Break the bond and you got back to being less than what you were before and most people can't survive when their soulmate bond is broken. Some stories that I heard over the years were horrendous, people who lost their soulmate due to illness or any kind of death, often suffered from very serious depression and some have even committed suicide because they couldn't live with the pain. "This dragon... I don't why it showed up but I think that it could be after Riley." Namjoon spoke, the four of us pushing past some stragglers as we made our way over to them. "You think so?" Hoseok looked at Namjoon puzzled, "It's possible. This dragon has never been here before until today. And it could have came or been summoned when Riley entered our realm." Namjoon explained, "But that would mean that someone knows that Riley is here. None of us have even told our families or even close friends that we found our last soulmate. Who in the world would know that she's here?" Jin questioned, "I don't know. But whoever it is doesn't seem to warm to the idea of someone from the Evenreaha realm coming here." I spoke up, it seemed that my thoughts resonated with everyone else's.

"Hyung!!" I looked forward, stopping in my tracks as I watched Jimin go flying into the air. "Jimin!!!" Jin immediately ran forward as I waved my hand, using wind magic to help Jimin land safely. Jin caught Jimin, the two nearly hitting the ground as Jin stumbled. I looked back at Jungkook and Taehyung, who were constantly blocking and dodging attacks from the dragon. My eyes shifted to Riley, who was holding a child in her arms. I could see the barrier around the two of them was weakening, Riley looked up from the fight and looked at me. Our eyes connected and in that moment, I could feel her worry and her fear for us. I waved my hand and reinforced her barrier with that of my own magic, I then gave her a small smile. "Riley, it's going to be okay. We'll be fine." I said, she nodded at my words, she relaxed her shoulders a bit and then looked towards Jimin.

"Jimin, are you alright?" Jin asked, looking concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. We have to keep that dragon away from Riley and the kid." He brushed himself off as he stood to his feet with the help of Jin.

"We think the dragon might be after Riley." Hoseok said, "What? But why?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "We don't know but obviously someone knows that Riley came here from Evenreaha and they don't like it one bit. Whoever it is might have sent this dragon after Riley to either kill her or scare her back to going to her realm." I explained, "A little help here would be nice!!" Jungkook shouted, "Right." I conjured a force field to shield Jungkook, watching as the dragon used his tail to slam against it.

"What's the plan?"

"Hey you dumb overgrown lizard!!!" Taehyung shouted, the dragon turned his head towards Taehyung who seemed to be holding his attention. "Yeah, I'm talking to you!!" He shouted again, "Tae, what on god's green earth are you doing?!!" Jin shouted, Taehyung just waved him off dismissively. "Let's see how you deal with this!!" Taehyung raised his sword, fire and electricity forming at the tip of his sword. With one large swing, he sent the blast at the dragon. The dragon stumbled back slightly and shook off the attack, trying to go after Taehyung but Hoseok and Namjoon sent their own attacks at the dragon, giving him no time to recover.

"I think I have an idea of how we can take down the dragon." I looked at Jimin, "Since this dragon is huge, the scales are gonna be harder to penetrate. We need to find it's weak spot which is gonna take time." He started explaining, "Guys, watch out!!" I looked forward, pushing Jimin to the ground as a large blast of fire flew right over our heads. It hit a building behind us, blowing it up. I used myself to shield Jimin from any flying debris coming out way, Jin immediately jumped into action using water magic to put out the fire. I heard shouts coming from ahead, I looked forward and became worried as both Taehyung and Jungkook were sent flying. Hoseok acted quickly getting them out of harms' way as the dragon turned his attention onto Riley. The little boy in her arms started screaming as the dragon slammed his foot down on the barrier, Riley threw herself over the young boy in her arms and curled into a protective ball around him.

"You stupid overgrown lizard!! Take this!!" Namjoon and Hoseok sent a large electrically charged blast at the dragon, knocking him back into a building behind him. The dragon screeched in pain, causing all of us to grimace and cover our ears. Jimin and I scrambled up to our feet as Taehyung threw an attack of his own, Jungkook got to his feet as I summoned my crossbow. The seven of us gathered around as Hoseok, Tae and Namjoon continued their attack on the dragon.

"What's the plan?!"

"We need to find the dragon's weak spot. From what I know most dragons have a weak spot on their stomach. If we can find the weak spot, we can take it down for good. Only problem is.." Jimin trailed off, "Let me guess.. You need a distraction?" Jin said, "Yeah, I do. And we can't know for sure that the dragon has a weak spot on its stomach."

"We'll basically be playing a guessing game." Taehyung said.


"Let's hope that your right about the weak spot being on its stomach or we'll be in big trouble." I said, "Yeah.."

"What do you need us to do?"

"Yoongi hyung, Jungkook and I will try to find its weak spots on different parts of the stomach and its back. I need the four of you to keep the dragon's attention on you and not on us or Riley." Jimin divided up groups, hopefully we can put this thing down. "Right." Jin nodded, he rolled up his sleeves and pulled out his claymore. He looked very much excited to use it, he's had that sword for a long time so it's seen some things.

"Let's kill a dragon."

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