Chapter 19

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Hoseok's pov

"How do we use this to kill the Mystic Howler?" I asked Nate, looking to the young boy. "The only way that I know to use the gem according to my dad is by infusing your choice of weapon with the magic from the gem." Nate explained, both Taehyung and I were still somewhat confused about how to do that. "Is there some kind of spell that we can use to infuse the magic from the gem with a weapon?" Taehyung asked, Nate thought for a second and reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a small notepad and started flipping through it, another explosion went off and shook the ground making Nate panic slightly. We heard shouts coming from outside, I shifted my eyes away from Nate and looked to the rest of my soulmates. I watched as Jin was slapped harshly by the dragon's tail causing him to go flying, Jimin and Jungkook immediately went after him as Yoongi and Namjoon continued on the offensive against the dragon. "Nate, I don't know how much longer they can hold off that dragon. Please hurry and find that spell." I pleaded, Taehyung and I let out a sigh of relief as we watched Jungkook and Jimin catch Jin and break his fall.

"We need to get out there and get this gem to them."

"First, we need to find that spell."

I watched as Yoongi fired off a round of arrows, all of them hitting different spots of the dragon. I heard Nate flip through the pages in a panic before he let out a happy squeal, "I found it!!" Taehyung and I looked at Nate, "What is it?"

"Leviundo Serporgio," Nate read, he looked up from his notepad. "You have to recite those words while you place the gem on whatever weapon you are using against the dragon. That will draw enough magic from the gem to infuse the sword with it and kill the dragon." He explained.

"Hyung, what weapon should we use?" Taehyung asked, I looked outside the barrier as I spotted Yoongi loading arrows into his sheath and one into the crossbow. "Yoongi's crossbow," I stated, "His weapon is perfect. We don't need to be within close range for it to kill the dragon. We just need to infuse his arrows and his crossbow with enough of the gems magic in order to effectively kill that dragon. After all, he did pierce the scales on that dragon before." I explained. "If we infuse both his arrows and his crossbow won't that use all of the magic in that gem?" Taehyung asked, looking at Nate. Nate shook his head, "No, it won't. This gem has a limitless supply of magic in it. That's why even one small piece of the gem is worth so much value. Whatever you do, don't lose that gem. You'll never know when you'll need it again." Nate warned, "Alright."

"Tae, I need you to stay here with Nate and Riley."

"But hyung, I'm not exactly good with healing magic."

"I know, but I have faith in you. You three will be fine. I can get to Yoongi faster than you can with my magic, so I'm counting on you to stay here and protect these two." I stood to my feet and smiled down at Taehyung, he gave me a small smile back and nodded.

"How exactly are you going to get out the barrier though?" Nate asked. I chuckled and looked back at him, I had my own ways of getting out barriers designed to keep people in. "Like this," I snapped my fingers and disappeared from in front of Taehyung and Nate, when I reappeared, I was standing outside of the barrier. I had to give it tp Riley, it wasn't easy to get through her barrier. It was pretty strong and I'm surprised that I was able to even pass through the barrier like I did the first time and make it outside, though I'm sure it had something to do with the gem. I looked down at it, noticing that it wasn't shining as brightly as it was inside the barrier. Meaning this gem resonated with Riley and her magical aura well, she's somehow connected to this gem on a magical level.

"Hoseok, look out!!" I looked to my right, my eyes widening when i saw the dragon heading for me. I immediately snapped my fingers and disappeared, reappearing beside Jimin and Jin.

"Hyung," Jimin called.

"Hoseok, what are you doing out here? You should be with Riley," Jin furrowed his eyebrows, "We figured out what to use to stop the dragon."

"Is that what we need?" Jimin pointed to the glowing gem in my pocket, I nodded and took it out.

"What is that?"

"That's the Celastonite gem!!" Namjoon shouted, he came rushing over, dodging fireballs from the dragon. The dragon was on hot on his heels, spewing fire all the way to where we were. "Namjoon, you're leading the dragon over here!!" Jin panicked, a barrier appeared blocking the fire from reaching all of us. I looked up, spotting Yoongi standing on the roof. I gave him a thumbs up as Namjoon finally reached us, "Where did you get the gem?" He asked, "Riley had it, the gem was used as a way of protecton for Riley." I explained.

"Meaning her grandmother or her grandfather gave her the necklace." Jin stated.

"Yeah, Nate gave us a way to use it."

"Which is?"

"There is a spell that we can use in order to infuse our weapon of choice with the magic in this gem. Tae and I figured that Yoongi's crossbow is the perfect weapon to use in order to kill the dragon." I suggested, "You're right, hyung's crossbow allows him to be at a long range distance which he can fire arrows from. He's hit the dragon before, this gem will help him actually kill it this time." Jimin looked up at me, "What's the spell?"

"Leviundo Serporgio,"

"We need to get to Yoongi and fast." Jin said. The dragon let out a pained groan causing all of us to look up as we saw Yoongi's arrow lodged in the neck of the dragon.

"He's a damn good shot."

"Yeah, he is."

"I'll get the gem to him. You all need to keep that dragon away from Hyung and I as long as you can until we finish the spell." I looked at the three of them, "We can do that." The dragon let out a pained groan, making me look up to see Jungkook casting multiple spells to fire electrical and fire balls at the dragon. "I'll leave it to you guys then. Let Jungkook know of the plan." With that I snapped my fingers and disappeared.

"Hoseok, what are you doing out here? You should be healing Riley." Yoongi didn't look back as he loaded an arrow into his crossbow.

"We have the gem, well more like Riley had it."

"What?" He looked back at me.

"The gem was hidden in Riley's necklace. Her grandparents probably gave it to her for protection and it seems that she resonates well with it. Nate said that all we have to do is use the spell to infuse the gem's magic with a weapon of our choice and use the weapon to kill the dragon."

"Then why are you up here?"

"Because your crossbow is the perfect weapon to use. I told the others to keep the dragon busy while we use the spell."

"Okay, let's do it then."

I took the gem out of my pocket and Yoongi handed me his arrow and crossbow, I lined it up with them both and let out a huff. "Let's hope this works."

"Leviundo Serporgio," The gem gave off a bright glow, a blue aura engulfing the arrow and crossbow. When the light dimmed, I handed the loaded crossbow back to Yoongi. "Alright, let's kill ourselves a dragon." The two of us turned our attention onto the dragon, who was being preoccupied by everyone else. Yoongi took his position, taking slow deep breaths as he lined the crossbow up with the dragon's neck. I held my breath, hoping that this worked. Yoongi whistled loudly, catching the dragon's attention and the rest of the boys. I pointed for them to get into Riley's barrier, the four of them rushing off. Once they were inside, Yoongi took his shot as the dragon charged at us. He immediately loaded another arrow and shot it, placing a barrier around the two of us. Both arrows hit the dragon, one in the neck and other in the eye. The dragon let out earsplitting screech, the arrows glowing as the magic started working its way into his system. The dragon let out one last howl, causing Yoongi and I to cover our ears. We watched as the dragon fell over onto some buildings nearby, it took its last breath and the two of us stared down at the dragon.

"It worked...."

"Is it really dead?" I quirked an eyebrow at the dragon.

I saw Jungkook exit Riley's barrier, slowly walk over to the dragon and poked it with his sword. When the dragon didn't move, I let out a relieved chuckle. "We did it!!" I pulled Yoongi into a hug as Jungkook and the others started cheering.

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