Chapter 15

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Riley's pov

After I had been separated from Jimin, I tried my best to get through the crowd but it was no use. There was too much chaos happening for me to get to them or at least to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. I looked up, watching the barrier start to weaken because of the dragon, making me scramble to my feet. Yoongi was having trouble keeping this dragon out, all I could hope for was that the boys were safe. As I looked around, I heard crying nearby and turned my head to see a lost little boy, who had been separated from his mother. He was calling for his mother but there was no answer, people had been drowning out his screaming and crying with their owns screams and cries of terror. "Oh no," I rushed over to the boy as a building nearby was hit with the dragon's tail, it started collapsing and people got even more panicked. I quickly scooped up the boy in my arms, immediately diving out of the way as a large piece of debris fell down. The debris hit the ground, right where the boy used to stand as we hit the floor, using myself as a cushion to protect the little boy from the fall. "Oh god," I panted, the boy held onto me tightly as I sat up. The dragon's tail hit another building next to the one we were in front of, I immediately scrambled to my feet as the building knocked into the one beside it. The kid started crying as I immediately started moving away from the building. A large piece of debris came crashing down and there was no way for me to outrun it in time, the kid started screaming and panicking in my arms. I looked up, my eyes widening as the debris came closer. So without hesitation, I threw myself over the child in hopes of keeping him alive and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But it never came, I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see a purple barrier surrounding me and the boy, protecting me from the debris that was still falling. The child who was in my arms had stopped crying at this point, he looked amazed at the barrier that had been created. I couldn't believe that I could have possibly made this barrier but it seemed like it was true since none of my soulmates were around.

"You know how to use magic?" The child asked, looking up at me. "Not really, no. I only just started coming into my powers.. I don't know how I made this barrier." I explained, "You're so cool!" He exclaimed, I blushed lightly at the compliment and smiled at him. "Thanks, kid. What's your name?"

"My name is Nathaniel, but everyone calls me Nate."

"Well, Nate. It's nice to meet you," I smiled, "My name is Riley." I introduced, "How old are you, Nate?" I asked out of curiosity, "Six." He was just a baby, I couldn't believe how well he spoke for a six year old. "Who were you with before you got separated from them?" I asked, I needed to get him back to whoever he was with. They either have made it away from the town square safely and have gotten to the Library or they could still be looking for him in all the chaos going on outside of the barrier. "My mom and my sister." Nate's facial suddenly changed when he looked behind me, he looked terrified and it made me concerned. "What's wrong, Nate?" He simply pointed behind me, making me follow his line of vision. My eyes widened as I stared at the dragon, who hovering over the barrier. "Oh god." I whispered, Nate let out a terrified scream as the dragon slammed his feet into the barrier.

As the barrier finally collapsed around the town square, Yoongi panicked as the dragon started to beat down buildings. Namjoon quickly jumped into action, using spells and runes to transport people out of the way of falling debris of the buildings. Jin and Yoongi were quickly trying to come up with a way to get the dragon out of town while Hoseok was using his magic to put out burning buildings. All throughout this, the four young men could feel Riley's panic and fear running through the soulmate bond. They could only hope that the three could find her in time before something happened to her. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook frantically searched through the crowd of panicked people for Riley but nobody could spot her. It was almost as if she completely had disappeared, which panicked the boys even more. They didn't want to think the unthinkable, that she could have been crushed by falling debris or eaten by the dragon. When the barrier collapsed and the dragon started doing more damage to the town, the boys knew that they needed to find Riley and fast. "You see her yet?" Jungkook looked over his shoulder at Jimin, "No, I don't even see the shirt she is wearing." He answered, frowning heavily. As Taehyung's eyes scanned the crowd, he decided that the only way to find her was to listen for her through all of the screaming and shouting by the crowd. "Tae, you think you can listen out for her through this crowd?" Jimin asked, "Yes. I just need to concentrate." Taehyung closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe, focusing on Riley and nothing else. It seemed as if time itself had slowed down and all the noise had become silent, then he heard it. Coming from their far right, Riley was trying her best to keep Nate and herself safe. He could hear Nate's voice as well, the child crying and then he heard the dragon. As he focused even more, he could the slight hum of a forcefield and then he saw it. "Shit!" Jimin saw the dragon knock over a building and then attack something, it was just like when he was trying to get through the barrier.

"I found her!" Taehyung opened his eyes, "Where is she?" Jungkook asked, "Where the dragon is." Taehyung answered, sending Jimin and Jungkook in a panic. "What?!" The two shouted in perfect unison, which Taehyung couldn't help but find weird. "She managed to separate herself and some child from the dragon. Let's go." Taehyung explained, the three immediately pushed their way through the crowd to get to Riley and the child she was with. When they finally spotted Riley and the child, the dragon slammed his feet into the barrier which seemed to start fading.

"Riley!!!" Jungkook shouted.

I lifted my head when I heard my name being called, relief coursing through my veins as I saw Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin standing just a few feet away from us. "Whose that?" Nate asked, "My soulmates." I smiled, a tear running down my cheek. "You have three Soulmates?" He exclaimed, his eyes widening. "Actually, I have seven. I was the one that they were missing this whole time. I'm glad to have found them." I looked back at the boys, who were looking at the dragon. It looked as if Jungkook was about to do something that Jimin and Taehyung were not going to like.

"Hey!!!" Jungkook shouted at the dragon, the dragon's attention was taken off of Riley and the barrier and shifted onto Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. "Jungkook, what are you doing?" Jimin asked, "Getting this thing to stop attacking Riley so you two can get them somewhere safe." Jungkook said, "Woah, there's no way I'm gonna let you do that." Jimin said, "Yeah, you take that dragon on. Then so are we." Taehyung agreed, Jungkook sighed knowing he couldn't get them to leave. The dragon let out a loud roar, causing everyone to cover their ears and Nate immediately buried his face into Riley's neck.

"Shit! There it is!" Namjoon pointed to the dragon, just as the dragon let out another one getting ready to attack, Yoongi had a vision. This one showing him Riley holding a child being protected by a barrier but what greatly startled him was that she was right in front of the dragon. He then saw Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung getting ready to defend themselves. "We have to go now! They found Riley and she is in the same spot where the dragon is." The four young men took off, hoping to reach their soulmates before it was too late.

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