Chapter 11

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3rd person's pov

After meeting Riley, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi decided to wash up while Hoseok and Taehyung started fixing lunch. Everything seemed to be moving so fast that it was beginning to get a little overwhelming for Riley, she felt how strong the soul bond was after Namjoon had hugged her. It seemed that meeting the final three members of the group, the bond was now solidified. Jimin could tell that everything was a little overwhelming for Riley, he decided to check on her while everyone else was sort of busy. He found her curled up in her bed, it seemed that she was trying to go back to sleep. She faced the wall, her eyes open and slightly puffy from the crying she had previously done. "Riley, you awake?" Jimin whispered softly, he closed the door behind him and waited for her to answer. "Yeah.. I can't fall back asleep." She answered softly, Jimin walked over to her bed and sat down. "Is it because of what you saw in your nightmare?" He asked, "I... I can't get the images out of my head and it felt so real. Like it was going to happen." Jimin listened to Riley, "I felt so afraid but all I could think about was making sure that," She sat up and turned to face him, "the seven of you were safe from the attack. That the seven of you wouldn't die on me." She voiced, her voice shaking. "Riley, what did you see in the nightmare?" Jimin asked, "The town... It was on fire. There was this large dragon flying overhead the town, breathing fire and destroying every building it could. The seven of you were all scattered throughout town trying to get people to safety and there was this child... He was all alone and the dragon's fire was nearing him so I ran over to get to him. I didn't even realize how dangerous that was until I heard you and Jin call my name. You both were screaming for me to get out of there and when I looked up, the dragon was headed straight for me and the kid." She paused, images of the nightmare flashing in her head as she remembered it. Her hands shook slightly causing Jimin to reach out and grab them, his hands were much bigger than hers. Riley stopped talking when she felt Jimin's hands on hers, the gesture making her heart slow down and come to a relaxing pace.

"Riley, take a deep breath, okay?"

Riley nodded, doing as she was told. "I promise you that no matter what you see, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I will make sure that those things you see do not come true." Jimin and Riley locked eyes, Jimin shifted closer to Riley until their faces were inches away from each other. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you and if something in your dream does come true, I will stay by your side. I'm not going anywhere. None of us are going to let you go through any of this on your own. I can promise you that right now, you mean everything to us. To me." Jimin's words made Riley swoon, her cheeks burned as she realized how close he was to her face. His eyes fluttered down to her lips, staring just for a moment with the temptation to kiss her. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her with everything he had, Riley's eyes followed Jimin's and her cheeks grew a little redder. She couldn't fight the temptation to kiss him either, she knew that it wasn't going to be a problem as he was her soulmate but she didn't want to rush things. Their eyes met each other, the desire to kiss one another becoming stronger.



"Can I kiss you?" Jimin asked softly, "I.."

"I won't if you're not comfortable with it. I know we're still getting to know one another and you've only known us for a day but I can't keep fighting the desire to kiss you any longer. If you say no then that is completely understandable and I will excuse myself to calm myself down but-"


"What?" Jimin was taken back by her sudden answer, "Yes, Jimin. You can kiss me." With those words, Jimin leaned in and crashed his soft, full pink lips onto hers. Sparks ignited in both of them, tingles shooting up and down their entire bodies as they kissed. Her lips fit so perfectly against his, solidifying the notion that they were made for one another. They moved closer to one another, Jimin's hands cupping Riley's face as her arms wrapped around his neck. Jimin's right hand moved down to Riley's waist, pulling her closer to him. Naturally, Riley shifted her body to get closer to Jimin as their lips never left one another. They moved in sync with one another, Riley tilted her head to the side and never broke the kiss. They continued kissing for a minute more before a shout interrupted the pair, causing them to jump apart. They both panted slightly, their lips red and slightly swollen.

"That was.." Riley started, looking at Jimin in awe and adoration.

"Perfect.." Jimin finished, his breath absolutely taken away by her smile. He loved it, "Thank you, Riley." He smiled, "No, thank you, Jimin... I never felt this connected to someone before and you.. You made me feel welcome from the moment we met. By the way, I think it was perfect for my first kiss." She blushed, looking away from Jimin in embarrassment. "Wait," Jimin's eyes widened slightly, "I was your first kiss?!" He exclaimed in shock, "Yes.. Now, don't tell the others about that." Jimin's smile widened as he stared at Riley, "What? Why are you smiling like that at me?" She quipped, "Because.. I am glad to have to honor of being your first kiss. You don't know how long I waited to kiss my last soulmate. I always knew that it would be special and it was." He said, making Riley's heart beat speed up slightly.

"Guys, lunch is ready!!" Hoseok called.

"Coming!" Jimin called, he stood up from the bed and held out a hand towards Riley. "Come now, my beautiful lady. I shall escort you to the table. Hobi hyung makes really good food." He smiled, Riley giggled and grabbed his hand. "Let's go eat."

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