Chapter 8

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3rd person's pov

After hours of walking, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi had found themselves in a small town just a few miles away from the town they had just left. "It's getting late, I think we should find a place to stay for the night. We are all exhausted at this point and if we walk any further, I have a feeling Yoongi is going to pass out on us. We did have to fight off several giants on the way here." Jin suggested, Namjoon looked at Yoongi who was leaning on Jin slightly and he looked tired. "Yeah, I agree. Let's see if we can find an inn to spend the night in." Namjoon tapped Yoongi and the three of them walked into town, all looking tired and exhausted. They had collected their reward before leaving the town they just came from but ran into trouble when they found themselves being chased by two giants, which only made them annoyed and even more tired than they already were. The trio wandered the bustling streets of the unfamiliar town, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively festival. Music filled the air as they weaved their way through crowds of people dancing and laughing. The smell of street food wafted through the air, tempting them to try every new flavor. It was a good thing that they had eaten a full meal packed by Jin just before they had gotten to this new town, there was no telling how the food really was. "As much as everything smells really good and my stomach is tempting me to go try the food, we need to find an Inn." Jin pulled Namjoon away from one of the food stalls also pulling Yoongi along with him. As they kept walking, Yoongi spotted a small Inn named The Fiery Explorer Inn, he tugged on Jin's arm and pointed to the Inn. "Let's see if they have a room available." The inn was quaint and cozy, with warm lighting spilling out onto the street. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from its open windows. Inside, the walls were adorned with colorful tapestries and the sound of laughter filled the air.

The three of them stepped into the inn which was quaint, with creaky wooden floors and a cozy fireplace in the common room. "Hello, how may I help you gentlemen?" A short young woman called from the desk, her dark brown hair fell to her shoulders and was slightly wavy at the end. "Yes, hello." Jin smiled, stepping towards the front desk. "I was wondering if you had any rooms available for tonight." He spoke softly, his smile charming the young woman in front of him. She slightly blushed taking in how handsome he was, "I'm sorry but I only have one room left and it has two beds, would that be good for you and your friends?" She looked towards Yoongi and Namjoon, smiling politely at the two of them. "That would be just fine. How much?"

"12 quid." Jin reached into his pocket, pulling out the currency and handed her over the exact amount. She reached behind her and grabbed a set of keys, "Your room is 310, go up to the third floor and it'll be on the left hand side of the hallway towards the middle." Jin took the keys from her, grabbing his bag and thanked her. The three then headed upstairs to their room, which wasn't too big or too small. The beds were lined up against the left hand side of the room, to the right of it sat a small table with chairs and there was a small television stand in the middle of the room. Namjoon placed his bags down and dug out clothes to change into and headed into the bathroom, which had a cute little shower. Yoongi plopped down on top of the first bed he saw, "Yoongi, you have to shower before bed."


Namjoon enjoyed his shower, his dark brown hair still damp from the shower and got dressed. He stepped out of the bathroom, nearly running into Yoongi who was grumpy that Jin hadn't let him sleep. He was surprised to see Jin still awake, he was sitting by the window watching the people on the streets below them. "Hyung, I would have thought you would be asleep by now." Namjoon said, "Nah, I had to keep Yoongi from falling asleep before he took his shower. How was your shower? Feeling refreshed?" Jin turned to look at Namjoon, "Yeah, it was." He climbed into the same bed that Yoongi had chosen, "I'm gonna head to bed in a little-" Jin stopped talking when he saw that Namjoon was out like a light, not long after that Yoongi came out of the bathroom and crawled into the bed beside Namjoon. Jin chuckled to himself as Yoongi immediately had fallen asleep, he tucked the two of them in and headed to the bathroom for the shower. When his shower was done, he crawled into the empty bed and wrote a little journal entry of their journey and how their job went before turning off the bedside lamp and fell asleep.


The boys had given Riley a tour of the house, wanting her to feel more at home with them. Riley sat on the couch in between Jimin and Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung sat across from them and in the middle of the group sat a coffee table with their board game. The boys had a board game that was just like monopoly in a way, at the moment, Riley was the one with the most money. Hoseok was in second place and Jungkook wasn't too far behind, but Taehyung and Jimin were both losing. "Alright, my turn." Riley picked up the dice and blew on it for luck, something that her brother, Baekhyun always did when they played monopoly together. Of course, it never actually worked for him because he always rolled odd numbers and never doubles. "Come on, give me a double." She shook her hand and threw the dice down but something crazy followed, a spark of electricity surrounded the dice and just as they collided with the game board, it caused a small explosion. Riley yelped as Jungkook threw himself over her, Jimin doing the same as Hoseok covered Taehyung and the two fell out of their chairs and hit the floor. The cabin shook slightly, Riley stayed underneath Jungkook and Jimin. When the smoke settled and the cabin stopped shaking, all of them sat up to take a look at the damage done. Riley stared in shock as she saw that the coffee table was sort of burnt but the entire game board was destroyed and on fire. The boys were taken back by this development, worried for not just their safety but Riley's as well. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Riley's shoulders, noting how anxious she looked. Jimin and Taehyung shared a look of confusion before their eyes roamed to Hoseok, who was looking concerned about the whole situation. Hoseok acted quickly and with a wave of his hand, a burst of water shot out and put out the fire.

"What just happened?"

"I blew up the game board..." Riley finally found her voice, "How did I even do that? I don't understand.. That's never happened before.. What's wrong with me?" Her voice shook, her eyes filling with tears slightly as she looked at Hoseok. Jimin scooted closer to Riley, noticing how shaken up she was as she was shaking in her spot. "It's okay, Riley. It's okay, don't worry about it. It's just a board game and most importantly, nobody got hurt." Jimin reassured her, he went to touch her but she moved back from both Jungkook and Jimin which left them shocked. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, his worries becoming bigger for Riley's sanity. "No, it's not fine. All of you could have gotten hurt and it would have been because of me.. Because I was the one who caused the explosion in the first place. It's not safe to touch me, you might get hurt." She scooted away from the two of them, "Riley," Hoseok got up from his seat, he pushed the coffee table out of the way and stood in front of Riley. He bent down, taking her hands in his softly and gave her the softest and sternest look she had ever seen. "It's okay. We all know that you didn't mean for that to happen. I know for a fact that you wouldn't hurt anyone here and I know that this is new to you. When you were brought here, your powers that were probably dormant for a long time finally broke out of its seal. Which is why we're now seeing it come out. I know that this is something that you aren't used to but I promise you that none of us are going to let you go through this alone. Don't pull away from us. We're here for you, so please let us help you." Hoseok's warm smile appeared on his features, Riley took a moment and nodded at his words. "Come here," Riley launched herself forward, hugging Hoseok tightly and buried her face into his neck. "It's okay, Riles. It's okay." Hoseok looked at Jungkook and Jimin, sending them signals that they were going to need to be there for her. Taehyung stood to his feet, cleaning up the board game and the area and noticed that it was starting to get late in the afternoon. "I'll start on dinner." Jimin spoke softly, he kissed the top of Riley's head and walked into the kitchen with Taehyung following behind him.

"We should get ready for dinner." Jungkook smiled, "But I don't have any other clothes." Riley said, "We have some clothes you can change into. Let me show you how to work the shower." Hoseok led Riley out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom, when they were out of earshot, the maknaes all gathered. "Her powers are just awakening.. I have a feeling that she might be more powerful than Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung combined.. I'm worried for her." Taehyung said, "I am too." Jungkook stated, "She'll be fine. She has us and she'll have the hyungs to help her adjust to life here and her magic. Don't worry about it, I know she'll be okay." Jimin reassured the two, "Right." Jungkook nodded.

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