Chapter 10

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Seconds go by really slow. Did you know that? So do minutes and hours. And days. They seem to just drag on and on.

I have been sitting in this cell for roughly four days. That's 96 hours. Or 5,760 minutes. Or 345,600 seconds. Have I ever told you I'm good at math? Like I absolutely love math. If you ever want to shut me up, just give me a packet full of math problems.

How do I know how long I've been in here you might ask. Well, there is a stupid clock on the stupid wall that actually works. I think. It goes around the circle evenly so I think that makes it work.

I also think I need to get the hell out of this stupid jail cell. I haven't talked to anyone, only listened. Brad hasn't come to talk to me either which surprises me. The only thing I move for is food. A different person comes in every afternoon with food for us.

They just slide it right under the cell bars and I crawl my way over to it and then drag the tray back with me to my blanket. Every meal I consume makes me want to throw up afterward but I've learned that eating slow helps a little.

Today just happened to be different. I ate the soup, or what I thought was soup. It's too dark in this part of my cell so I can't tell what is in it. I eat it anyway. My body can't go too much longer like this. It's like every time I eat I just want more and more but I don't think my stomach can handle that.

I finish eating the slice of bread that is my only side dish and curl back into a ball. Normally I fall right to sleep after I eat and when I wake, my food tray is gone. So last night when I woke up, I realized that maybe I shouldn't fall asleep this time. Since I really, really need to get out of here.

I lazily lay on the ground so that I can see the door to the cage but far enough in the corner so that they would have a hard time seeing my eyes. I stare endlessly at the door, waiting for the meal man.

My eyes start to blur and my head spins and I wish that I could just die right here. I still haven't showered and my hair feels like a pile of wet mud on my head. I still cannot believe the no shower rule. It is just plain torture.

I strengthen my hearing and don't hear anything. I bet today is going to be one of the days that the mean man forgets to come collect the trays or something. I will be thoroughly pissed if that happens. I'm wasting my sleep for this.

Sleep is on my list of favorite things. If its not on yours then, well, you are freaking insane. I think you belong in empty jail cell diagonal from me. If you don't like sleep then you belong in prison. Then you can learn how to like sleep because that's all you get to do.

My sidetracked-ness carries me away and I don't even hear the footsteps that stomp down the hallway. Sudden panic dwells in my stomach because I totally don't have a plan and that is so unlike me. I always have plans. Even if they are like five minute plans. I still role with it.

A few more minutes and the footsteps are one cell away. I slowly reposition myself to be half on my stomach, half on my side. I put both palms face down on the ground, ready to push myself up from the ground. I keep my eyes open just enough to get an outline of where the man is.

I hear a loud sigh and a low scratchy voice mutter something and then I hear something along the lines of some keys clinking together. I open my eyes further and see that I am right. The guy is opening my cell!

My wolf barks in my head and I almost cry because I haven't heard from her since the whole Gage situation.

My heart beats like five thousand times a minute because I still have no idea what I'm doing. The man inches closer and eyes my body wearily. I stay perfectly still with the exception of breathing.

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