Chapter 17

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Gage's POV

"We need to put three more men on partol in each station on the perimeter."

"Where are those men going to come from, Alpha?" Max asks. I fling my hands up, the man asks so many damn questions.

"I don't know Max, you tell me you are supposed to be the one in charge of this." I say in frustration.

"So, what are you saying?" He asks. I can see the excitement in his eyes.

"Do whatever the hell you want, but run it by me first." He bobs his head eagerly. "And do it fast."

"Yes Alpha. I will have it done by Wednesday." He says and I can tell he is trying to hold back a grin. He turns and quickly leaves my office, closing the door behind him.

Once the door closes I let all my rage rise to the surface and pick the lamp up from my desk and smash is against the wall.

Why the hell did I let her leave?

Question of every damn day.

Why couldn't I have just taken out the second and thrirds? It would have been so easy. But to scare her like that?

No she wouldn't have been scared. She is stronger than that. And the fear on her face? Damnit I could have taken it away.

"Yeah but instead you screwed it all up and let her get away. Now she hates us." My wolf growls.

We haven't been on good terms at all since her alpha took her. I've regretted that decision since the car drove away with her in it.

Damnit there was so much hatred in her eyes. It hurt to just think about.

"Son?" My head whips over to the door to see my mother standing there. I hadn't even heard it open.

I clear my throat. "Yes?"

She walks over to me calmly and wraps her arms around me. "Why did you break the lamp?"

"It was nothing mother." I haven't told anyone about finding my mate. If my pack knew, they would all hate me as much as she does for letting her get away.

She pulls away and laughs. "Oh, you silly boy I am your mother, you can't fool me."

I smile slightly but then frown. Here goes nothing.

"I found my mate." I say and it comes out of my mouth with more pain than I intended to let out.

My mother's eyes fill with excitement. "Well where is she? I must meet her right away!"

I shake my head and the smile falls from her face. I walk over to my desk and slump down into my chair.

"I let her get away." I say. Anger slowly bubbles in me. I feel a hand on mine and look to see deep nail marks in the arm rest on the chair.

I quickly let go find a new seat on the couch. My mother follows me and takes a seat too, very gracefully.

"What happened?" She asks. Worry etches her face.

So I shove into the story of meeting the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Just telling the story made me think again of how good of a Luna she would be.

My mother sits patiently till I finish the story. She was always the kind of person anyone could just talk to without a worry of being judged.

"You don't know where she is?" She asks at the end.

I shake my head and try my best to keep the anger at bay.

"Well, do you want to find her?"

That isn't even a question. "Yes, I want to find her." I feel...... What..... Happiness flow through me? Maybe even a little hope?

Thats new.

I growl in frusteration. "But how am I supposed to find her?"

"Calm yourself." She says in her stern voice. "Have you forgotten that you are an alpha?"


"I think you have." She counters.

I throw my hands up. "Well what am I supposed to do? She has people out after her!" The thought angered me. People going after MY mate. I growl again.

"Well, you take time to figure it out. Make some phone calls. Think." She stands. "Me and your father are leaving in for dinner okay? We'll be back."

I nod.

She closes the door and I'm left in silence once again. It takes all my self control not to pick up something and smash it into the wall.

Thoughts of her keep me grounded and I final desicion.

I need to find her.

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