Chapter 18

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Five days pass and they all consist of driving and then stopping at a gas station or diner to get food and then more driving.

We haven't seen, or talked to any wolves since the waitress a couple days ago and we are glad.

I also have taken some turns driving to let Alex sleep and get my thoughts in order.

I still have no idea what I'm going to do about Brad or Gage. Yes, I'm back to formalities and will say his name. It does hurt but I've gotten to the point where I don't care anymore.

Time will do that to you.

I also have noticed the new bump in my stomach. It's something to get used to but I've been expecting it.

I told Alex everything and when I say everything, I mean everything. From when we got split up at the party to when she found me in the medical center.

Now, I didn't get into that much detail about party night but she wouldn't let me get away with only saying we slept together.

That's what best friends do.

I figured out at the last gas station that we are about 6,000 miles away from Brad's pack which made me very very happy.

Now I only have to figure out where Gage is and drive 6,000 miles away from him, too. I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy though.

Head lights shine in my rear view mirror from a distance. All the ease leaves my body for some reason but its just a car. It also just happens to be the first car we've seen on the rode for a long time.

I reach over and shake Alex.

"Alex. Alex wake up!" I whisper yell while still shanking her.

Her eyes flutter open and she spreads her arms out wide. "What time is it?"

I glance at the clock. "Um, 9:37 pm."

She grunts and closes her eyes again. "So, why am I awake?"

"Because there is a car behind us." I say. I can see the car better now and it looks like a truck.

"So what's the problem?" She mumbles, resituating herself.

"We haven't seen another car in over a day." I say. The car keeps getting closer and closer. I can literally hear the blood pumping in my ears.

Alex shoots up in her seat and turns to look out the back.

"No shit." She whispers.

"What?" I say. Looking back frantically. This is really putting me on edge.

"There really is someone behind us."

"Well, yeah I just told you that." I say and then reach over and punch her in the shoulder. "You thought I would just make that up?!"

She rubs her arm and frowns at me. "Dude, calm down its just a car."

I raise my eyebrows. "No! I'm not going to calm down when there is a truck right behind us that could run us right over!" I yell. I nervously rub my hands on my jeans to get all the sweat off. And then clutch the steering wheel harder.

We drive over a hill and and once we can see over the top, a million swears start tumbling out both our mouths.

"Life fucking hates us. We have been damned by the Moon Goddess herself, Kat." Alex says. She grips my arm and looks frantically back and forth between the truck behind us and the new truck in front of us.

I'm feeling a weird sense of deja vu here.

And I feel the need to throw up again.

I stare straight ahead at the truck that is driving at us. My heart quickens its pace and I debate on just stopping the car and running into the woods for dear life.

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