Chapter 29

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I avoided Michael and Adrian at all costs. Some times it was inevitable since they would look for me and I wouldn't be able to run. Michael appraised me for my acting skills this morning when I went to see Gage. I was going to tell him. I really was, but that would just complicate things.

So, I've been put on duty every morning and evening to visit him and make sure that by the end of the week, he would agree to help fight against Brad. I have a feeling that once Gage is fully put in the loop about my whole part in this he will not be happy and most definitely will not agree to help.

Since seeing him and realizing that I will have to see him again, I decided a shower would be nice. But then I thought about it more and decided I probably wouldn't be able to stand for that long.

So, a bath it was.

I've only drained and refilled the water twice so it would reheat. I have no idea what time it is and my stomach has been growling for a while now.

Sighing, I drain the room temperature water and pull myself out of the tub and into a towel. I take my usual 45 minutes to get dressed and dry my hair and then do my makeup. Diana stops in and gives me a plate of food since I skipped lunch.

I didn't take the time to sit down and eat the food, rather taking bites while reorganizing my things and just doing normal cleaning around the room. Pretty much anything to keep my mind from straying to this morning.

Of course that doesn't work. I mean really I can't avoid it forever. What am I supposed to do? Let myself fall in love with him and risk this whole thing to go down again with tears and broken hearts?

Some thing tells me that won't happen, though. As much as I want to deny it, I don't think Gage is going to scree up again like he did. I do believe that he regrets what he did. I am his pregnant mate after all.

After about two hours of doing what ever I can around the room, Diana pokes her head into my room and tells me I'm needed in the conference room.

Before leaving the room I check myself in the mirror. I had on a sleeveless maternity T-shirt and sweatpants on but I honestly didn't care. My hair looks decent and so does my face so I don't care.

I walk the hallways till I get to the conference room and knock twice before pushing the door open.

I feel all eyes on me as I walk in. Only Michael and Adrian are sitting at the table but the air is thick.

"You need me?" I ask as I cautiously walk over to sit at the table. My hands reflexively go to rest on my stomach.

"We have a problem." Michael says. "My men have discovered that it looks like Brad has been getting in contact with the rogues a lot lately. They think they are joining forces."

"Why is that a problem? Is there that many of them?" I ask.

"That's the thing. We don't know how many there are. So pretty much no matter what, we need Gage to agree with us." Adrian says.

I swallow. "When is this whole this going down?"

"Four weeks approximately. We should have everything set up."

I stare at them in shock. Four weeks and I won't be pregnant anymore. That could be a good thing and a bad thing.

"Yes, that does mean your baby will hopefully be born which works out since having to sneek in there pregnant won't go very well.*

No it wouldn't.

"Where is there?" I ask.

"At the pack house of the Blood Pool pack. In Brad's office."

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