Chapter 25

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"So, I think its about time you tell me what exactly I am here for." I say. Blonde found a seat across from me in the dining hall. I heard from others that his name is Michael and that brunette's name is Adrian.

I have no idea how long I've been here but by the size of my swollen belly, its been a long time. No one has said a word to me lately. All I have to do is go to every scheduled meal time and then I'm free to do what ever I please on this side of the building which isn't much. I'm not allowed to go outside and the other people here have been told not to interact with me what so ever but I've gotten a few to talk.

"Not yet." He grumbles with pancake in his mouth.

"Then at least tell me how long I've been here?" I ask.

Michael looks me over as if he really shouldn't tell me. "20 days."

My mouth drops open and my hands subconsciously go to my stomach. I don't have much time left.

Oh my gosh, I have to get out of here.

Michael smirks at me, no doubt loving my panicked reaction. "Don't worry, if that little one of yours decides to come while you're still here, I have doctors who can help."

I almost sigh in relief. "Are they practiced?"

He nods. "Most of them have delivered many babies before. You do know that you are on pack grounds right? Families do live here."

I look away. This isn't how I wanted everything to lay out, damn it. I wonder what Alex is doing right now and Andrew. I hope they all are still looking for me.

I wonder what Gage is doing. Is he looking for me? Does he know that Michael has me? Probably not. He would have stormed the place already. Well, I hope he would have.

You see, this is the problem with having 20 days to do nothing but think. I've created so many false hopes about Gage, at least what I think are false hopes.

Someone pulls a chair out next to me and takes a seat. I over to see Adrian, happily digging into his breakfast.

"Good morning." He says of course after he shoves a fork full of eggs into his mouth.

I give him a discussed look. They both need to learn some manners.

They laugh and both keep eating. I push my plate away from me, no longer hungry.

Michael pushes it back toward me. "Eat." He demands.

I frown. "Since when do you care if I eat or not?"

Since when do they even sit next to me while I eat? I have been perfectly fine eating in my peaceful corner. Alone.

"Because you need to stay healthy." Adrian says.

I throw my hands up in defeat. "I haven't been healthy since I became pregnant. And do you really think that eating this crap for breakfast is going to help?" I motion go the soggy pancakes.

They both growl at me.

"Would you like to go make yourself food?" Michael says.

He says it like it would be a bad thing.

"I would love to!" I say. I haven't been able to cook for myself let alone be in a kitchen for too long.

I stand and am about to walk away but some one grabs my wrist.

"Sit." Michael says giving me a pointed look.

I send him a glare before going back to sit in my seat. Adrian slides an arm around my shoulders and squeezes me to him.

"We weren't being literal, babe." He whispers in my ear. I try to push myself away but his grip tightens. Damn his male strength.

"You guys do know that I would absolutely love to cook right? I wouldn't even mind cooking for you two." As long as I can get into the kitchen and away from Adrian.

"Would you really?" Michael asks. He leans forward on the table. "Did you cook for Brad?"

I freeze but answer his question. Better to not let them know he is a sensitive subject, right? "Yes, I did."

Adrian gives me another squeeze. I want to throw up all over him.

Michael nods. "I hate that man."

I look at him, shocked. "Wait." I dont think I heard him right. "You what?"

He and Adrian share a look.

"We hate him, babe." Adrian says.

They hate him!

"So, um, does this hatred for him have anything to do with me, um, getting back at him for what ever he did?" A pit grows in my stomach. That is why they have me.

"Bingo." They say in unison.

Well, shit.


Alex's POV

27 days ago, Katherine was here, in this apartment. She wasn't happy at the time, she had just found out her parents are alive, most likely and pretty much her whole life has been a lie.

Then she walked out and no one followed her. I should have followed her because now she's gone.

I feel hands on my back and know that it is Alpha even before I look. He has been doing everything he can to try and find her but so far nothing has worked. We have no leads.

Of course we haven't told the rest of the pack yet. I didn't know how infatuated they are with her until she left. Hell, I didn't know how much I love her till she left.

"Did you find anything?" I ask alpha.

He takes a seat in the bar stool next to mine and pours himself a drink from my bottle of bourbon.

He shakes his head. "I tried to call Alpha Gage to see if he has found anything but he didn't answer."

Gage tried to get on our territory two weeks ago. We didn't let him. From what we've heard from Katherine about him, he can't be trusted. Especially since he all of the sudden wants her back.

I secretly think that he truly does what her back and knows that he fucked up by leaving her in the hands of Brad.

We made him swear that if he found her he would immediately contact us since we are her pack and he is not.

"How's Don?" I ask.

Alpha shakes his head. "He still believes it's his fault."

Neither one of us talks after thatf. Its how every day ends. The pack isn't that same with out her and everyone knows it.

I take a long swig and let the burning liquid wash away the thought. Of course, no matter how much I drink that one thought never leaves.

We need Katherine.

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