Chapter 31

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Over the past two days, me and Gage have gone on three dates. One to the movie theater in the basement of the pack house, a picnic in the gardens under severe watch, and the third one I wouldn't even call a date but Gage insists that it was.

It was a trip to his bedroom...... With the lights off....... And no clothing....... You get my drift. Let's just say that it was getting real hot in there and that is why I have found myself in the bath tub once again.

And why I have found my thoughts drifting everywhere they aren't supposed to. A.k.a. how Brad is going to take this whole amulet stealing stuff.

I have a meeting with Michael and Adrian in like 20 minutes about the situation and from what I've heard, they might actually be telling Gage the entire truth.

I haven't repulse totally got that part through my head yet. Considering the fact the we have been getting closer and I can tell he is keeping a very close eye on me, he will most definitely not like the plan.

I make it to the conference room in record time. 7 minutes late. The three are already sitting and discussing things.

"Nice to see you waited for me." I grumble and take a seat next to Gage. His hand is resting on my stomach before I'm even situated.

Michael rolls his eyes. "You're late."

"Yeah. That's what happened when you have a living thing growing inside you."

Gage and Adrian hold back their smirks while Michael just grumbles incoherent words. From previous occurrences, I'd say it was pretty foul language. Just saying.

"Well I'll recap you." Adrian says. He always the nice one. "Brad must have found the spies because they haven't returned or contacted us in days."

I purse my lips. Sucks for them. "So now what? We can't risk anymore people."

"Which is why we have asked for volunteers. They all know what happened to the others and have about ten who have signed up. I'm sending four at a time instead of two."
I nod.

"So, we are just going to wait until they get there and figure things out?"

Michael sighs. "We don't have any other options."

I nod again, suddenly feeling really tired. "Well, if we're done here, it's about time for my nap." I push myself up from the table.

Gage follows suit and walks out with me. He opens the door to my bedroom without a word and climbs into bed, snuggling me right on him.


Soft knocks on the door wake me from my long nap. I groggily rub my eyes and look over to a sleeping Gage.

The knocking continues and I slide myself of the bed, taking it slow to the door. I pull it open and am almost instantly engulfed by multiple bodies.

"Oh, Kat, we got here as soon as we could! Gosh, I've missed you so much!" Alex sobs into my hair.

I take a moment to gather myself before the excitement really sets in.

They're here!!!

"When did you guys get here?" I ask. I could sense that Gage was awake and coming toward us.

"Like five minutes ago." Alpha Andrew replies. I realize he was the other pair of arms that were around me.

A smile overcomes my face but I freeze when I hear someone yelling from down the hall.

Scott appears around the corner and he stops in his track. It looks like he is trying to suppress a sigh while I hold back a groan.

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