Chapter 13

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I've had many headaches before and head injuries but what I feel right now is like ten times worse. The lighting in this room isn't helping either. I haven't opened my eyes yet, but I can tell from looking at my eye lids that it is pretty damn light in the room.

I also notice a strong smell of antibiotic in the room and something like hand sanitizer. That only makes my head throb harder.

I reach my hand up and rub my throbbing head. While I do that I feel something attached to my hand like it is inside me.

I crack an eye open just enough to see that it is an IV. A moment goes by before that totally sinks in. I open both eyes wide and block out the pain. I look down to see myself in a hospital gown and blankets wrapped around me. I can just feel the heaviness in my face and under my eyes to know that I must look like crap.

"Well, well, she finally decides to come back to reality." Brad says as he strolls into the room. I freeze. I totally need to be more aware of things.

"I told you to wait till I came and got you." I keep myself from jumping five feet in the air and look over to see Dr. Barry walking to me.

I look at him in confusion. Why did they bring me to the medical center? I mean, yeah they injured me but really? They decided to get me to a doctor?

"What the hell am I doing here?" I demand. My voice comes out a little raspy and Dr. Barry hands me a glass of water. I mumble a thanks and look back at Brad expectently.

His jaw visibly clenches. "Don't act like you don't know why you are here."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't act like I should know why I'm here."

Brad's eyes turn a share darker and he comes at me. Dr. Barry hurries in between us and pushes Brad to a chair in the corner of the large room.

"That is not necessary and I will not have you injuring my patient any more." Dr. Barry says sternly and I felt my eyes widen. The man's got balls.

"Do you think I care? She could have told us instead of keeping it a secret." He says and glares daggers at me.

"Tell you what, exactly?" I ask.

They ignore me.

"Well maybe she doesn't know." Dr. Barry says. He walks back over to my bed and checks my vitals or whatever.
"What don't I know?" I ask. This time I don't get ignored. This time I get quite an answer. And this answer leaves me speechless.

"You're pregnant."

I gape at him. "Excuse me?"

He points to my stomach. "You are carrying a child."

I glance down at my stomach. "I don't think that is possible."

I hear Brad smile. "I wouldn't be if that stupid mate of your kept is pants on."

I glare at him. "It takes two to tango you know."

His smile vanishes and he is in front of me in a second. "You mean you meant to get pregnant?" He snarls.

"No." I say. "I meant to have sex with him. A baby was not on the agenda."

He growls and is in front of me in a flash once again. He grabs my chin and brings it so that we are face to face.

"Do not speak to me that way." He demands.

My brows furrow. Did I say something wrong? Because it didn't sound like it to me.

"He's just being a jackass." Addie states in my mind.

I watch in discust as his face slides closet to mine. I can't believe I actually thought the guy was nice.

I pull my head away from his grasp and he growls again but doesn't do anything else.

The doctor pushes him aside to check some more monitors.

"You may be excused. I will only explain the things she must know about pregnancy and then I will leave her alone." The doctor says without looking away from his screen.

I glance post him at Brad as he stands there, fuming. He clenches his fists before he turns in leave. I watch, mouth agape as he leaves.

"Um, I think you need to teach me how to get him to listen like that." I say.

Dr. Barry chuckles. "His father and I used to be friends. Ever since his father passed, I have pretty much been his father. He listens to me." He shrugs his shoulders. "I guess I earned it from him."

"And I haven't?"

He shakes him head. "You did at one point but then you found your mate."

I throw my hands us in frustration. "See, that is what I don't get. Isn't it a good thing that I found my mate?"

He shrugs again. "To most people, yess it would be but not to Brad. His plan won't work if you have a mate."

I raise my eyebrows. "What plan?"

He finally looks over at me. "I cant tell you."

"Why the hell not?" I ask, getting angry.

"Because it isn't my place." I'm about to object but he cuts me off. "You need to take one of these every morning till I say not to. It will help you gain more fluids."

I give him a confused look.

"You just went 4 days with out much water or food and most of it went to you and not the baby."

Nervousness curses through me. What if he isn't okay?


The doctor sees my concerned face and pats me on the leg.

"You and the baby will be fine. Just do as I say and everything will work out."
I nod. He explains a few more things like eating for two instead of one and getting enough sleep and more appointments and such.

He finally leaves and I go to the bathroom to take my long wanted shower. I strip and as I do I take a moment to exam my belly. No bump has formed and I'm surprised they even found the baby already. Maybe it is because it is from an alpha.

My eyes widen. What am I going to tell him?

I suddenly shake the thought away. He left us even though he probably would keep both of us if he knew. He should have thought of this, though.

His loss.

I step under the steaming hot water and think.

How am I going to get out of here safely?

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