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The girl turned around. "Sungmi!", my sister stands infront of me. "Mrs. London!", she was obviously happy to see me.

"What are you doing here?", I asked her confused. "Today was a big Audition day, I thought I try it out.", she said chilled.

"Try out? Do you know how hard this is", I was really disappointed about her. "Well, I know the risks, hard work and everything else. I'm sure what I'm doing.", she said but I actually not believe it.

"Do you have time tomorrow? I get my results, after it maybe we can drink a coffee.", she suggested me. "Yeah, I would love it", I was happy to spend my day with her but it also feels a bit random.

"See u", and she left. "Who was this?", Jisu asked me. "That was my little sister", I said a bit disappointed. "She is very pretty.", Jisu compliments her. "And very harsh", I tried to open her eyes.

"Whatever. Do we want?", she took my arm around hers. "Ofcourse", it is refreshing after my panic attack to have something to smile.

The other girls have already gone ahead. Just me and Jisu took a walk home as she took a different way. "This is not the way home", I said confused.

"Just follow me", there's nothing more she said. The way she took was to a forest.

"Now put this eye folder on", she gave me a sleep mask. I did what she said. "Okay, now explain everything what you hear, smell or feel", she took my arm to gave me stability.

"It smells like green plans, more the fresh smell after it rains, oh and new wood.", I described. "Good, go on", she motivates me.

"Wow, do you hear the birds tweet? Also there is the crunch of the leaves when we walk on them", it's very relaxing.

"I feel the wind through my face. And your hand", I said sarcastically. "And what's going on in your mind now?", she asked more.

I can't say to her, that I morely want to be here with Ryujin. "I just have the desire to hug someone", I did not say the full truth.

Now I felt a hug and she slowly took the mask of my eyes. "Wow", slipped out of my lips. The colors of the whole forest got more intense.

"I hope it cleared a bit your mind", she gave me a soft smile. "Yeah it did, I don't know how to thank you", I was really happy she helped me in a hard time.

The way back we talked a bit about my time in YG. And how it took my whole energy.
I don't know but I know that she will understand that.

"There you are", all four sitting on the table and eat their dinner. "Where were you?", Ryujin asked with a bit of fire in her voice.

"We were in the forest, I wanted to give her the opportunity to calm a bit", Jisu explained.
"Mh", Ryujin gave her back then she put another bite in her mouth.

"Sit down, there's enough for you two", Yeji gave us plate full of vegetable soup. "Thank you", I took a bite and It was so delicious.

"Tomorrow, I will meet my sister for coffee. I hope that's okay", I said carefully. "Yeah totally. I guess tomorrow we finish the songs and sort the lines", Yeji told me.

"Okay", I nod understanding. All of us leaving in our bedrooms because it's late.

"You looked a bit jealous", I confessed my suspicions to Ryujin. "Tz, nah. I was just annoyed that we couldn't all eat at the same time.", she said sarcastically.

"If you would be pinocchio, your nose would be so big you wouldn't fit into this room", I joked around.

"And you would be my fairy. The one who save my life once. Maybe twice.", she brought a smile into my face.

"The thing with us, do you think we keep it as a secret. As you know Korea and the people here are not talking that positive about lgbtq+", Ryujin explained to me.

"Yeah. Unfortunately I know. I wish we could hold hands in public without people would be disgusted about us" I told her agreeing.

"Me too. I mean when we debuting it will be so hard for me to ignore my feelings. Ahh", we both fall backwards on her bed.

"It will be the hardest time ever", I realized that the idol time will test our relationship.

"I wish we could meet up in another life.", Ryujin start to confess her wishes to me. "We could have a house at a quit part at a beach with two dogs and maybe some mini us. I mean how romantic are beach weddings"

"You think about a wedding?", my eyes wide and on my lips appeared a big smile. "You wonder about a wedding but not about the part with the kids?", now when I think about this, it sounds hilarious.

"Well, when the time comes to disband, promise me we will exactly have this life.", I start dreaming a bit.

"I promise", we did the little fingers oath.
My glance went to the clock. 11pm. "What? It's that late. We have to sleep.", I said and changed my clothes into my pyjama.

"Good night ", i kissed her for the first time. "Sorry I..."

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