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I was confused. What did they mean by "new member"? I thought we were a six-member group, not seven...

"That's a joke. She's should debut as a soloist and should experience the time in which you prepare debut. So she knows what to do when she's debuting" One of the staff members explained.

"Oh" you could tell everyone was relieved. "When is her debut" Yuna asked. "JYP Entertainment expects her to debut in Quarter 4 of 2019"

"I hope you can give me as many tips as you have for me" Ara herself speak up. "Keep calm" was the only answer she became from Ryujin. "What if you two go into a room and Ryujin explain everything to you and Jisu, sorry Lia got her time recording her lines" The staff suggested and Ryujin and Ara leave the room together.

To say I'm jealous would be a misinterpretation. She had the perfect body, she is cute and kinda in a flirty mode.

I'm mad about myself being jealous. I'm overreacting, it's annoying. But this means I really love her...right?

"Hey" Yeji nudged me. "Mhh...Yeah" she got me out of my daydream. "What do you think about that?" She asked. "About what?" I was confused about what they talking about.

"You don't listen to us? Something is on your mind?" Yeji asked worriedly. I noticed even more how well her job as a leader fits her.
"No. No. Just tired. What are you talking about?"

"Do you think "Just keep on dreaming"" she stretched dreaming long. "Or "Just keep on dreaming, oh" sounds better" Jisu asked.

"I believe the second one sounds more powerful" I said.

Loud laughter came from the room next to it. It was Ryujin and Ara. I glared at the door. "Everything okay?" Chaeryeong asked me, who sat next to me. "I'm fine"

"So then I'm done" Jisu put her headphones down and entered the room we sat in. "It's a wrap. I will put on some autotune and effects and tomorrow you get the audio" The producer explained.

"Thank you. Goodbye" we said goodbye to him and left. Yeji knocked on the door of the next room. "Yeah" Ryujin answered. "We're done. We go home now" Yeji asked her to come along. "I'm coming later"

On the way home the girls talked to each other and discuss the session and what they expected. I was a bit sad Ryujin isn't here.

Yeji got a bit slower and walked as fast as me. "You still thinking about the situation on Halloween? You can tell me if you want" she was obviously worried. "No..it's something else" I wanted to create clarity.

"Do you want to tell me?" She comforts me. "I'm in love with Ryujin" to tell it out loud lets me feel nervous but relieved at the same time. "So we were right the whole time" She said proudly. "Huh?" This was a shock to me. Was it so obvious?

"We saw your looks at each other. We weren't really sure but it was obvious you were not just good friends" Yeji explained. "As you joined the group you couldn't even imagine how excited she was that it's you not anyone else" she added.

"So she liked me a bit longer?" I was interested in what she had to say. "Even when you met the first time she talked about a pretty girl who could save our group"

"That's what she said?" I said unbelievable. "Yeah well. As she came home with a big smile I knew something is up there" Yeji seems to be very excited to tell this.

"Let's get some salad for today" Chaeryeong stood still and pointed to a salad bar. "Fine for me" Yuna entered so we did too.

The selection was big. There were many types of vegetables, fish and meat here.
"I want a salad with avocado, cucumber and mozzarella" I started ordering.

"Call Ryujin. Ask her what she wants" Jisu reached Chaeryeong her phone. "Sure"

"Hey. What's wrong" Ryujin asked. "We are in a salad bar. What do you want in your salad?" Chaeryeong explained.

"Just give me the same as one of you" she hang up and played rock-scissors-paper. I won and we got the same as mine.

When we were home, we ate and went to sleep. It was finally 2 am when I finally slept. I was waiting for Ryujin but she didn't come anytime soon.

I woke up in an empty room. I stood up and dressed. I saw Ryujin and Ara laying on the couch. Her arm was around Ara's belly.

I had to leave the situation so I decided to get breakfast. My phone beeped. The producer sends the audio for our song.

I put my earphones in my phone and started the song.

𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑 ; 𝖨𝗍𝗓𝗒'𝗌 𝟨𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 Where stories live. Discover now